A special item

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"Lady Tsunade!" A young ninja shouted as he bursted into the Hokage's office. Tsunade stood straight up then ran to the young ninja.

"What's the matter?" Tsunade asked calmly.

"It's the Akatsuki, they said for me to inform you immediately! They found something!" The young ninja replied as he caught his breath. Tsunade's eyes widened as she heard the ninja's report.

"You know who to get, bring them here and send word back to the Akatsuki." Tsunade instructed.

*Mean while at the training grounds*

"Alright you two, I want you both t-" Kakashi was interrupted by Yamato.

"Hey! You all are needed at the Hokage's, it's urgent!" Yamato shouted as he caught their attention.

"Oh? Why?" Gojo asked while being a smart ass.

"Good grief just go!" Yamato said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Gojo let out small snicker as he and the boys walked past Yamato. Once they reached the Hokage's estate  they all noticed a crow flying  above them with a message attached to its leg. Once they had entered the Office, Pain and Itachi were there with Tsunade to tell them what was going on. Of course Naruto shot both Akatsuki a glare.

"What's going on?" Naruto asked with curiosity.

"Tell them." Tsunade ordered as she glanced at Itachi.

"We have discovered an ancient item, one that has been dated centuries  before the Leaf village existed." Itachi started.

"Okay...but what is this item and why were you searching for it?" Kakashi replied with a slight frown upon his face.

"We believe that this specific item was used to imprison Akuma. Ancient chains that the ninja's of old used to keep him contained and his power under control." Pain answered with a straight face.

"Well obviously that didn't work, why look for it if he broke free?" Gojo asked with a serious expression.

"I looked at old archives of Akuma's imprisonment, it seems that he may have had help. The archives stated that a hooded figure helped set the half spirit free but was then killed after Akuma's release." Pain explained.

"Does that mean he can control minds?" Itadori replied.

"No, more likely that it was an accomplice who served him. The archives states that once he was released his blood lust was out of control, the scribe there barely managed to escape." Pain answered.

"If that scribe were still alive we could've gone to  him and have him tell us where the those restraints are." Kakashi said as he put a hand on his chin.

"We found his grave. The scrolls were buried under the rocks and debris. Luckily they were still legible, this half spirit is a monster. We know why he's after the kid but in order to find those restrictions , we would be exposing our alliance with you." Itachi grumbled.

"Well...shit."  Tsunade growled softly.

"We are leaving this decision up to you lot,  one way or another we will be tipped sooner or later. We could send instructions on where to go but that means we will have to be more discreet with the messages." Pain said with a sigh of irritation.

"Keep sending the messages, we need you be our inside informers. If your tipped then we force Akuma's rage on the village and I will not allow that to happen." Tsunade said with a soft growl.

"Very well, we'll send you the location of the ancient temple." Itachi replied as he and Pain hoped out of the window and disappeared.

"You all know what to do, keep your movements discreet and try not to cause too much attention when you leave for the temple. Dismissed." Tsunade said with a straight face. The boys gave her a nod then left the Office.

Hello my brilliant readers! Thank you for all of your support! I never imagined this book would get so much attention, thank you for all of your support. I hope you all are enjoying this book! :)

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