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(Video has a cue in this chapter )

Pain stared at Gojo with a stoic expression upon his face, while Gojo glared at the man. Gojo still felt slightly dizzy from Pain's earlier attack, Kakashi glanced at Gojo with concern as he raised his ninja mask to reveal his sharingan.

The cursed that surrounded them merged into one powerful spirit that had a horrid and distorted body. It looked down at Kakashi  then looked to Pain, as if it was waiting to get further instructions.

"Take him down." Pain said bluntly, the spirit didn't wait after the words where said. Luckily Kakashi was able to dodge attacks slightly easier due to him using his sharingan. Gojo started to feel himself get more dizzy as he went in to attack Pain.

Pain was slightly surprised by Gojo's speed and his unusual abilities. Pain did a counter attack but it failed due to Gono's limitless ability, he may have been weakened but he seemed to still have some of control of his ability.

"Gojo, are you doing alright?!" Kakashi asked as he threw his kunai at the spirit. The cursed spirit deflected it then gave Kakashi an angered roar.

"I'll be fine, how about you?" Gojo said as he dodged an attack.

"Tch, don't worry about me." Kakashi growled as he gave a slight glance at Gojo. As Gojo fought he started to noticed that Pain was keeping himself at a distance from Gojo. Gojo stopped and glared at Pain, with slight confusion evident in his eyes.

"Why aren't you fighting? What are you planning?" Gojo snarled, Pain didn't answer. He instead glance at the ground then to the trees. Gojo hesitantly followed Pain's gaze.

But soon after Gojo's feet were trapped with an earth jutsu that some how managed to penetrate his limitless ability. Gojo looked in confusion and surprise as he struggled to break free. Gojo then felt a stinging sensation in his right ankle.

(Cue video)

"Tch, how are you breaking my ability?!" Gojo growled as he tried to use his cursed technique to break the seal. Pain didn't respond, there was ruckus in the trees. Gojo and Kakashi looked in the trees with frustration and confusion.

More akatsuki appeared from the trees and continued to surround Gojo. Kakashi then got stabbed from the spirit's sharp claws, Kakashi slumped to the ground while holding his right side.

"Kakashi! Ack!" Gojo shouted as he held his head with his left hand. Gojo glared daggers at each of the Akatsuki members. His vison grew blurry and his mind started to go blank, Gojo looked down as his ankles that were now free. Gojo gave in to unconsciousness and fell to the ground.

"Gojo!!" Kakashi shouted angrily as he tried to get up. The spirit gave Kakashi one final kick in his injured side then headed toward the Akatsuki members. Kakashi watched the scene before him with anger and sadness.

"Grab him." Pain said as he and the other members turned to leave. The spirit gave a nod and picked Gojo up by the back of his uniform's collar. It then proceeded to drag him away from Kakashi. As they vanished from view Kakashi crawled to a tree and sat up carefully. He looked into the sky with regret and frustration as he looked from the sky to his left side.

"Damn it! Gojo...if you die....I wont forgive you." Kakashi groaned as he shakily got up, Kakashi limped back to the village. He was determined to get healed and save Gojo. Whatever the Akatsuki had planned it wasn't going to be good.

Hey everyone sorry for the long wait!  Thank you so much for all of the votes and reads, it means a lot! Thank you very much for enjoying the book.

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