Akuma Zankoku

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"So you're telling me that Satoru is gone...someone came to save him. How touching...and incredibly annoying, tch, how could you let him leave your sights?!" Akuma snarled as he punched the wall with his fist.

"It was an unexpected turn of events, we had a tight grasp of security I can assure you. Akuma, why are you so determined to go after this Itadori boy?" Tobi asked, causing Akuma to growl with frustration.

"That brat is the vessel of a old comrade of mine, his name is Ryomen Sukuna. I've told you this five times since I've gotten here...things were going just smoothly until your dumb asses lost track of Satoru! I should just kill you now!!" Akuma shouted angrily as he grabbed Tobi by the next and pushed him harshly against the wall.

"Now, now, there is no reason to be violent. We will get him back and the brat, say why don't you pay them a visit? Hmm?" Tobi vouched, Aluma glared death at Tobi.

"Tch, if I wanted to... don't you think I would have done that already?!" Akuma hissed. Akuma raised his hand and pointed his sharp claw like nails at Tobi in a threatening manner.

"Zankoku, please put Tobi down. I have some useful information that might peak your interest." Itachi said as he walked to him. Akuma's harsh gaze shifted to Itachi then back to Tobi.

"Y-Yes please put Tobi down!" Tobi said in third person. Aluma let out a low growl as he released Tobi, Akuma then gave his full attention to Itachi.

"Talk." Akuma said bluntly as he walked over to Itachi with an angered expression on his face.

"I saw the vessel Itadori, come here with a few ninja from the Hidden Leaf village. They were the ones who saved Gojo." Itachi replied.

"And why the hell didn't you stop them?" The silver eyed man snarled.

"It would be foolish for one person to attack them, I've told Pain and Zestu to go after the group from a distance." Itachi answered.

"Seems like there is only one useful person here. Zesty will be the most likely to succeed, he's hard to detect. Seems I may have over reacted but...if I don't get my hands on that vessel...let's just say I wouldn't care what happened to the rest of you." Aluma growled as he left the room. Once Akuma reached his room he slammed the door shut then sat on the ground.

"Useless fools, but..I can make a few adjustments to my plan. I shouldn't expect things to go just the way I want. Once those port fools realize I'm using the them to get to my goal, it will be too late.I'll kill them all the turn their corpses into vessels for my cursed spirits." Akuma said with an evil smirk on his face as he talk to himself.

Hello my fantastic readers!! I can not express how much I appreciate your support and reads!! I have never expected his book to get as much attention as you all have provided! Thank you so much! Also I updated Akuma's photo, that is his official art that I made. :)

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