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As the group made camp for the night, Kakashi asked Yamato and Sakura to keep an eye out for trouble. The two gave him a nod, Naruto and Itadori then helped Kakashi carefully lay Gojo down against a tree.  Gojo let out a small groan, signaling that he was in pain. Gojo was now conscious, slightly more alert to what a happening around him.

"How are you feeling?" Kakashi asked as he kneeled in front of Gojo.

"Tch...could be better. We need to....m-move." Gojo groaned in pain as he tried to sit up.

"Woah there, take it easy. Your very injured, besides everyone could use a break. Sakura and Yamato are on look out, we are safe, Itadori is safe. Try to relax, for now let's try to get your wounds cleaned and bandaged." Kakahi said as he put a gentle hand on Gojo's shoulder. Gojo gave a hesitant nod, Kakashi then grabbed a wet cloth and started to clean off the dried blood. Itadori and Naruto helped Kakahi clean the wounds of their friend.

"Gojo- sensei, who did this to you?!" Itadori said with concern as he looked at the exhausted man before him.

"Some half cursed spirit named Akuma Zankoku." Gojo replied as he winced in pain.

"There's that name again...hey, isn't he the guy that's after him?!" Naruto exclaimed as he pointed to Itadori.

"Yeah, he's after Itadori because he's the vessel of Sukuna." Gojo answered as he warily looked up at Itadori. Kakashi looked from Itadori to Gojo, as if he was knew what Gojo was going to say next.

"Akuma wants to free Sukuna from Itadori but I don't know if that's possible. Itadori, no matter what, do not let Sukuna out." Gojo warned as he looked at his student.

"You got it, but why did that guy go after you first? And how did he bre-" Itadori was cut off by Sukuna.

"This is interesting news...the amazing Jujustu sorcerer is defeated by a half spirit. What happened to being the strongest?"Sukuna taunted.

"Eww!!! It's another mouth on his face!!! Ugh,that's so gross!" Naruto shouted. Kakahi's eyes widened at the sight.

"Ah, shut up you pest!" Itadori growled at Sukuna.

"Tch, how about you!" Sukuna argued back.

"Why did you decide to show up? Your such a pain in the ass." Itadori sighed.

"The feelings mutual brat. Akuma...ha, I haven't heard that name in a long time. I just have one thing to say." Sukuna replied.

"And what would that be?" Itadori snarled.

"If you weaklings think you can beat him yourselves...your dead." Sukuna said as he disappeared. Kakashi gave out an annoyed sigh.

"Sorry about him guys, he pops out like that sometimes." Itadori apologized.

"It's okay, I think be better get moving. We need to get to the village as soon as possible." Kakahi said as he picked up Gojo again.

"Oi, Sakura, Yamato! We need to leave, let's go!" Kakashi shouted as he and the others started to run. Sakura and Yamato caught up to the group quickly while also keeping an eye for danger. Kakahi glanced back at Gojo who was resting his eyes on Kakahi's shoulder. 'At least he's resting...the sooner we get him back to his old self , the better. Just hang in there a little longer Gojo.' Kakashi thought to himself as he looked forward.

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