Team Work

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Gojo and Kakashi observed the movements of their targets but as they observed a few of the targets had vanished. Gojo noticed this almost immediately, he turned towards Kakashi with a serious look on his face.

"Psst- hey, Kakashi, did you notice that a few of the targets are gone." Gojo said as he pointed to the targets.

"Yeah, I noticed too. I'm not sure why they would be scouting right  now though. But we need t-" Kakashi was interrupted by a kunai thrown just inches past his face. Gojo's eyes widened as another flown inches past his face as well. Both Gojo and Kakashi were back to back in fighting positions.these ninja were skilled not like the normal targets Kakashi had faced in a few of his past low grade missions.

"Tch, looks like they were waiting for us all along." Kakashi growled as he looked around.

"Yeah, I think they are definitely serious on killing us though." Gojo agreed. The targets charged in for another attack, but this time both Gojo and Kakashi dogged the attacks before it even reached them. This gave them the advantage, Gojo didn't want to remove his mask unless it was absolutely needed.  Kakashi struck down one on the targets leaving it unconscious. Gojo did the same on his end but soon they were over run by the enemy.

"Tch, alright, time to get serious." Kakashi said as he pulled up the part of his mask that cover his eye. Gojo was surprised to see that Kakashi's eye was a different color.

"What are you saying you were playing around earlier?" Gojo said as he dodged an attack. As they struck down multiple enemies more kept coming.

"Tch, ah, Gojo look out!" Kakashi shouted as a ninja flew down above Gojo. Gojo just stood there, Kakashi's eyes widened when he realized that the kunai wasn't able to reach Gojo. It was like there was an invisible barrier surrounding him, Gojo lazily looked up at his frightened attacker.

"Ha, and here I was hoping I wasn't gonna have to put in an effort. You all seem pretty strong so I guess I'm going to have to now." Gojo said with a sigh, Kakashi's eyes widened once again after what Gojo had said. 'Does he mean he hasn't been trying this entire time?! This guy...just how strong is he?'Kakashi thought as he blocked an attack.

Gojo got a little more serious as he fought along with Kakashi, how ever things only got harder from there. Kakashi had started to get a little tired from all of the use of his chakra and getting hit from the enemy. Gojo noticed Kakashi's tiredness and looked at the ninjas surrounding them, Gojo gave a smirk.

"Oi, Kakashi! Hold still!" Gojo shouted as he looked at Kakashi. Kakashi gave him a confused expression.

"What do mean hold Sti-" Kakashi was cut off when Gojo grabbed the back of Kakahi's shirt. Gojo and Kakashi suddenly appeared in the air above the battle field, Gojo began to take off his mask. Kakashi looked at him with a mixed expression of confusion and frustration. After Gojo's mask was removed his bright aquamarine eyes were visible to the world.

Gojo looked down at the valley with a slight smile as he pointed at the battle field. He made blast that was able to knock the enemy down all at once but he was careful so that he didn't kill anyone. After all these were humans not curses, the blast was huge. The trees had been blown to bits and the enemies laid on the ground unconscious. Gojo and Kakashi landed back on the ground, both put their masks back over their eyes (or eye in Kakashi's case :3). Kakashi gave out a sigh then looked at Gojo, who seemed to be in his own world.

"Alright our business here is done, we should head back to Lady Tsunade." Kakashi said as he turned to Gojo who had a smile on his face.

"Lead the way my friend~." Gojo answered with a silly smile, Kakashi gave him a nod. As they walked back Kakashi kept thinking about what he had just witnessed. Gojo was indeed powerful, but Kakashi knew that once the word had gone out Gojo would be a target.

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