Road to recovery

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As they arrived at the village, Itadori looked at the place with amazement. While Kakashi quickened his pace towards the infirmary. Itadori and Naruto followed closely, while Sakura and Yamato left to report to Lady Tsunade. Naruto and Itadori exchanged concerned glances as they looked at Gojo who was still passed out on Kakashi's back.

Once they reached the infirmary, the nurses and doctors there took immediate action. Kakashi, Itadori, and Naruto waited on the waiting room for the doctors to tell them about Gojo's condition. As they waited Kakahi and the boys with him had a small discussion about Sukuna.

"So, this Sukuna guy is like the king of cursed spirits? Just how powerful is he and how did you become his vessel?" Naruto asked as he looked at Itadori.

"Yeah, Sukuna is the king of cursed spirits. I became his vessel by eating one of his fingers.  There are twenty of them in total because Sukuna had four arms." Itadori explained as he scratched the back of his head.

"Why the hell did you eat a finger?! That's so gross." Naruto replied with a disgusted look on his face.

"Well,  I ate it because my life and my friend's life was also in danger. It helped me defeat the spirit but now I'm stuck with Sukuna." Itadori answered.

"Couldn't you have destroyed the fingers if they are so dangerous?" Kakashi asked.

"No, unfortunately they are immune to any kind of attacks or cursed energy." Itadori said as he gave a small yawn.

"Kakashi-sensei are you worried about Gojo?" Naruto asked.

"A little...but I know he'll be fine." Kakashi answered.

"I never thought Gojo-sensei would ever be beaten in a fight. Oh, looks like the doctor come this way." Itadori said as he brought his attention to the man before him.

"How is he doc?" Naruto asked with concern.

"He's sleeping, he had a few stab wounds around his torso and chest. Acut or two on his forehead, and a small gash on his right shoulder. We treated them with our justu, everything is healed except for the stab wounds. We had to clean them out and give him some stitches then wrapped them with bandages. Other then that his condition is stable and good, I would strongly advise for Mr.Satoru to stay here in the hospital for a few days." The doctor explained. The tree boys looked at the doctor with slight shock in their eyes.

"Can we see him?" Itadori asked, the doctor simply shook his head.

"I'm sorry not today, he needs his much needed rest." The doctor replied.

"When can we see him?!" Naruto said with more concern in his voice.

"Calm down Naruto." Kakashi said calmly.

"It's okay, you can visit him tomorrow at noon. In the morning we will do more treatments for his wounds. Just be aware that when you visit he will be tired again. I don't know what he went through but who ever was behind it was brutal." The doctor said with a sigh.

"Okay, I guess will be here tomorrow." Itadori replied as he looked at the doctor. The doctor gave a slight smile then a nod as he left.

"Come on let's call it a night, Naruto would it be okay if Itadori stayed with you?" Kakashi asked as he and the boys walked won't of the hospital.

"Yeah, um, you okay with that Itadori?" Naruto asked.

"Yup, fine by me." Itadori replied with a small smile.

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