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While Naruto continued his training, Gojo and Kakashi started to feel as though something was a miss; like something wasn't right. Gojo started to feel the presence of a cursed spirit while Kakashi felt the presence of one of the akatsuki.

"Hey, do you feel it too?" Gojo asked as he stood up.

"Like the presence of something vile?" Kakashi asked as he got into a defensive position.

"Yeah." Gojo replied.

"Then yes I feel a vile presence." Kakashi answered as he blocked a flying kunai. Gojo also blocked a cursed attack, Kakashi looked at Gojo in surprise.

"What was that?!" Kakashi asked as he blocked another kunai.

"A cursed attack from a cursed spirit. Man that sounded cliche." Gojo replied as he blocked yet another attack. Naruto and Yamato noticed the two fighting and stopped immediately what they were doing so they could help. How ever they were caught in a justu that prevented them from moving.

"Kakashi sensei! We're stuck!" Naruto shouted as he and Yamato struggled.

"Tch, we need to find the ninja behind that justu." Kakashi growled as he threw one on his kunai at the source. The cursed spirit showed it self, Gojo glared at the spirit. He wasn't threatened by it but it was a powerful grade curse. 'If I'm not careful it could destroy people's lives and their homes. Maybe this curse has a mission from it's master? Who in the world wants me dead or whatever. If this is their best attempt then their weak.' Gojo thought as he dodged an attack from said curse.

"Oi, Gojo! Care to explain how to defeat that thing!" Yamato shouted.

"No offense but neither of you would be able to kill it. I'm the only one who can." Gojo answered as he went in for a counter attack. Kakashi drove the Akatsuki member out of hiding, the member turned out to be Itachi.

"Tch, what are you doing here?" Kakashi demanded as he fought the man. Itachi said nothing as he fought Kakashi. Gojo blocked a few attacks, he then proceeded to kill the cursed spirit. While Kakashi struggled against Itachi.

"Hey, he has the same weird eyes as you do!" Gojo pointed out as he watched Kakashi fight the man.

"Is now really the time to be pointing that out?! I can't look into his eyes or he'll use a very dangerous justu!" Akashi grumbled a he blocked yet another attack. Gojo was looking at Itachi's eyes but nothing happened to him.

"You sure? I'm looking at him and nothing has happening." Gojo said with curiosity.

"How?! Ugh, never mind." Kakashi said as he charged as Itachi. Unfortunately Itachi used his justu and trapped Kakahi's mind in a torture chamber.

"Um, Kakashi? Are you alright?" Gojo asked as he walked closer. Gojo soon came to realize that Kakashi was caught in that man's justu. Gojo pulled the blind fold off and glared at Itachi, who gave a slight surprised glance at Gojo.

"Okay, play time is over. Release him or I'll have to do something I'd rather not do to a human." Gojo threatened.

"You think your threat scares me? My organization had already been informed about you. I can take you down myself, but I'm not going to be stupid and take you on alo-" Itachi was cut off by Gojo slamming his cursed infused fist in Itachi's face.

"Sorry but that wasn't a suggestion. Whether this guy likes it or not I consider him a friend, but scum like you wouldn't understand." Gojo said as he broke Kakashi free of the justu.

"Thanks for freeing me, now let's take him out together." Kakashi said as he regained his composure quickly. Gojo gave him a nod, both landed powerful attacks on Itachi forcing him to flee from the battle. Gojo looked at back at Yamato and Naruto, they were now free of the justu and could move again. Gojo put his blindfold back on and gave Kakashi a smile.

"Sooo, friends?" Gojo asked again with a silly smile.

"Friends." Kakashi said with a nod.

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