Guy's defeat

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As dawn approached Gojo got up with a small smirk on his face. Gojo got dressed then headed out of the house, to his surprise Kakashi was already waiting for him.

"Good morning~!" Gojo greeted with a smile.

"Morning, ready to go?" Kakashi replied nonchalantly.


"Just try not to hurt Guy too much alright? He has no idea what he is in for." Kakashi with sigh.

"Don't worry, I end the fight quickly." Gojo answered with his smile still on his face.Kakashi gave Gojo a small playful eye roll in response. After a while they finally met up with Guy who was an interesting way. He stopped stretching when he noticed Gojo and Kakashi standing behind hind.

"Ah, Kakashi, Gojo, glad you made it. I was afraid you had chickened out!" Guy said with a confident smile as he turned to face them.

"God greif..." Kakashi groaned quietly while pinching the bridge of his nose. Gojo just stood there amused by this man's actions.

"Well then shall we get started? Oh, and Kakashi I want you to signal us when to go all out!" Guy said flamboyantly.

"Fine...Gojo are you ready?" Kakashi said with an irritated sigh as he hopped on a tree branch.

"Yeah, let's get this started." Gojo replied with a smirk on his face. Kakashi raised his hand then lowered it, signaling that the two could start their fight. Guy was the first to charge in, he used hand to hand combat first. Which failed epically when Gojo blocked and dodged all of Guy's attacks perfectly.

"Oh so you want to play hard to get huh? Well then try this!" Guy shouted as he used his chakra, Gojo just stood there with a bigger smirk on his face when the justu hit him. 'Did I get him?'Guy asked himself when the smoke had started to clear.

"Man, that was a cool trick! Nice try!" Gojo said as he dusted the dirt off his shoulders. Guy gave Gojo a giant dumbfounded look.

"How are you not hurt did you cheat?! How are you just standing there?!" Guy shouted with slight anger.

"Well the answers simple, you can't touch me~. I have a skill called invisible wall( a/n: forgive me if that isn't right), so no matter what you do you won't be able to touch me." Gojo answered.

"I don't believe you!" Guy growled, which earned a chuckle from Gojo. Kakashi watched the scene before him with slight amusement.

"Fine, come here, put your hand on mine. I promise you I'm telling you the truth." Gojo answered. Guy hesitated then walked up to Gojo and put his hand on Gojo. Guy eyes widened when he couldn't touch Gojo.

Gojo then grabbed Guy's hand and landed some heavy blows on him. Guy tried his best to counter attack but in the end Gojo had beaten him to a pulp and won the duel.  Kakashi got down from the tree and looked as Guy with a sigh.

"I think he lost, well we better get him to the infirmary. Good job for not brutally pulverizing him." Kakashi said as he picked up one of Guy's arm. Gojo gave him a small laugh as he picked up Guy's other arm.

"Ya think he will stop challenging me after this?" Gojo asked as they started to walk.

"Probably not." Kakashi answered.

"Well, then I guess he'll just have to learn the hard way." Gojo smiled, Kakashi gave him a playful eye roll then a small smile.

(Hello everyone! Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to take this moment to thank you all for being so supportive of this book. It has reached 4K reads! Thank so much for enjoying the book!)

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