Things don't go to plan

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It wasn't long before Kakashi was discharged from the hospital, it had been two weeks since he was there. He was thankful that the healers were able to make his recovery faster. Once he was out of the hospital, he sent word to Naruto, Sakura, and Yamato to meet him at the village gate.

"Glade to see that your all here. I'll brief you on the situation once we are on the move." Kakashi said as he greeted his squad. Sakura, Yamato, and Naruto gave their leader a nod. As they traveled, Kakashi explained the situation with Gojo and the involvement of the Akatsuki.

"But what would the Akatsuki gain from working with those cursed spirits? That doesn't make sense." Sakura pointed out, Naruto gave her a nod in agreement.

"Yeah, last I checked they were an individual group." Yamato replied.

"I'm not sure what they'll gain from all of this. Pain said he had orders to bring Gojo with him, I think someone has taken leadership. "Kakashi answered in frustration.

"That would explain how they've become so organized." Yamato answered, Kakashi simply gave him a nod in response. Once they came upon the battle sight, Kakashi stopped on a branch and scanned the area for any sign of danger.

"Looks like the coast is clear, what now?" Yamato asked.

"We need to search for clues, I have a feeling they left something behind. Something that will lead us in the right direction." Kakashi said as he looked at the group.

"Right." The group said in unison, as they landed on the ground. As they looked around for clues, Naruto found a black and bloodied cloth on the ground. Naruto eyes widened as he picked up the object.

"Kakashi-sensei! I found something!" Naruto shouted, Kakashi ran to Naruto with a glint of hope in his visible eye.

"What did you find?" Kakahi's asked as he stood next to the boy.

"...This.." Naruto said with a sad and angered expression. Kakahi's eyes widened as he took the cloth from Naruto.

"That Gojo's blindfold, from the looks of it it looks like they went to the northwest." Kakashi said with a frown.

"We should go there then!" Naruto replied hastily.

"We will need to be careful, Kakashi it's your call." Yamato said as he and Sakura walked up to Kakashi and Naruto.

"Let's go, before it's too late." Kakashi replied as he led the way.


"Ack!" Gojo shouted in pain, Akuma stood there with a angered expression on his face.

"Tch, your making this harder then it needs to be Satoru. It has been two weeks and all you have given me are the vessel's name and your screams of pain. Am I going to have to do something drastic, to make you tell me what I want to know?" Akuma growled, Gojo said nothing as he panted and glared at the half spirit.

"Very well then, if I can't get the information out of you....I'll just have to pry from your mind. This is the last thing I wanted to do. But you left me no choice." Alina snarled as he place his hand on Gojo's head. Gojo shouted in pain as Akuma used one of his cursed techniques.

"My this is a lot of information to obtain in that small head of yours. So the vessel Itadori Yuiji has eaten two or three fingers, interesting, so that where Sukuna is being held. Guess I'll have to bring him here....if I want to free Sukuna." Alums sneered as he let go of Gojo, Gojo collapsed to to the ground barely conscious.

"Ops, did I use too much of my cursed ability on you? That's too bad but at least while your here and unconscious, you'll be out of my way. The Leaf don't stand a chance against me, and Itadori might die in your place. When I free will be over for all of you." Akuma smile as he left the cell. 'Tch,' Gojo thought as he faded to unconsciousness.

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