Chapter 4

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Weeks went by since then.

Y/N was doing well in taking care of herself.

She got in many fatal fights...fatal for them.

Some tried take the few items she holds dear.

Others wanted to take her space or simply wanted to cause trouble to the young girl.

Y/N didn't let anyone touch her.

She'd use anything around as a weapon, mercilessly killing anyone that tried to challenge her.


My cloak is almost completely coated with dry blood from the idiots who've tried to get in my way.

I have some cuts and bruises on me, but I didn't care. It's nothing compared to what they got.

The newspapers I have are the only thing that keep me occupied. At this point, I memorized all of its content, but it was the only thing I had that kept my mind off things.

I haven't had much to eat lately since vendors know who I am now.

I'm all out of the candy the girl gave me weeks ago. I tried to make them last, but some who've confronted me were able to take some from me.



All of a sudden, I could hear 2 sets of footsteps approaching. I discreetly hid my journal under my cloak as I heard them get closer. When they stopped, I looked up, seeing two people wearing long, dark cloaks, in front of me. Their hoods were covering their faces, but I could tell they were looking down at me. One of them is much taller than the other.

"Do you have a death wish?" I menaced. Since they didn't respond, I was just about to get up and attack, but then one of them pushed the hood off their head, revealing their face. It was the girl! I was surprised since I was thinking of her moments ago.

I stood up and asked her, "How did you find me?"

"I wanna help you," she said, avoiding my question. I furrowed my brows at her in confusion.

The person who accompanied her removed their hood as well, revealing their face. A man, maybe around his 30s stood beside her. He had a determined yet calm expression on both his face and overall body language. I took a step back, slightly intimidated at the sight of him, but refused to break eye contact.

He looked down to his left side, beginning to rummage through his pockets. When he found what he needed, he approached and handed me a neatly folded document.

I grabbed, unfolded, and examined the page; It's a forged citizenship with my name on it so I can go Aboveground...but this last name is unfamiliar to me.


The man then took out two other neatly creased pages and opened them, revealing to me their citizenships. What are they up to?

Soon enough, the man approached me again. I backed away again, preventing him from getting too close. Instead of taking another step forward, he simply extended his arm. In his hand, he was clutching a piece of clothing. I looked at the girl and she simply grinned at me.

"Put this on," the male said. I reached out and gently took hold of it. When he let go and I held it, I noticed it was a clean, oversized, dark cloak. Just like theirs. I'll follow their lead...for now.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now