Chapter 10

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When we returned to the Wall, I noticed some scouts had returned.

A few of them were recovering from injury.

Others were in a state of shock from what they'd seen.

I placed Hange down carefully, then looked back into the distance, glaring angrily at that abnormal. I retrieved my blades and launched myself back onto the battlefield, going after that Titan. I'm gonna have that animal's head!

"Y/N, where are you going?!" shouted Hange.

Levi quickly went after Y/N, trying to stop her from pursuing the abnormal Titan.

I was completely fixated on the furry abnormal, while killing any other Titan that got in path.

As I was closing in on the thing, suddenly, I felt someone grab me from behind while I was still in mid-air. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Captain Levi.

Y/N, still air-bound, turned around and tried to pry Levi off her. She didn't notice her hook detach itself from the surface she connected it to.

As she was nearing the ground, her cloak shifted upward. By the time she landed, debris and glass punctured through her jacket and shirt, stabbing her back, further injuring her. The impact of the landing was so strong, it made Y/N let go of her blades, having them land away from her.

I closed my eyes and let out a low, muffled groan from the sudden impact. What the hell happened? Did the hook detach?

He held me down, preventing me from getting back on my feet. "Don't be an idiot. You'd just put yourself in danger," he said sternly. Why does he care?

I clenched my jaw, attempting to suppress the extreme aching I felt on my back. I tried to get him off me, but the pain was starting to overwhelm me. I sighed and turned my head, watching the Titans safely retreat. I felt angry watching them retreat.

After a few moments, I calmed down a little and Levi finally got off me. I got up from the ground, dusted myself off and fixed my uniform. I glanced back at the retreating Titans. Watching that...beast...leave freely infuriated me.

Once they were gone, I walked up to and grabbed my blades from the dusty stone pavement. I held the grips tight as I wiped them against my thigh. Then, I turned around to look at the Captain. I went up to him, got in his face and said in a deep, threatening tone, "Don't ever get in my way." I proceeded to shoot my grappling hook so I could return back to the Wall.

Levi was quite surprised. He didn't expect her to speak. As soon as she left, his surprise replaced itself with annoyance. He huffed and followed her back to the Wall, returning to the others.

When I arrived, I noticed the amount of scouts that returned had increased. Most were now resting from today's mission.

I went straight to Hange, helping her with her injury. I sat down behind her and adjusted the wrap I had placed around her head.

"Y/N, I'm fine," she assured. I ignored her and kept adjusting it.

Hange looked over her shoulder and noticed Y/N's cloak had some small red dots forming from behind.

"Y/N...are you okay?"

I nodded, still adjusting the wrap. Still sitting, she turned around, grabbed my wrists gently, then reached for and tugged at my cloak. I saw some red dots on the back.

"I'll be fine."

"Turn around Y/N," she said, almost demandingly.

"I told you I'm fine-"

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now