Chapter 24

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Sandra's POV

I showed the captain out of Y/N's room and we joined the children, Hange, and the other soldiers. All of 'em were patched up and talkin' with the kids.

"I'd like it if you stayed her for while. Y'all need to recover," I asked of them. They all exchanged a few looks with each other, unsure of what to say.

Quickly, I went up to Flora and said, "Prepare some food for everyone." She softly nodded, got up, and made her way to the kitchen.

"Can I help?" asked an auburn-haired female scout.

"No, you'll eat all the ingredients!" a tall, light-brown haired male said to her. I heard some of my children giggle.

Flora and the older children cooked and prepared a breakfast buffet for them and the scouts. Sasha was absolutely astounded at the amount of food made. Both Jean and Conny stood by her, watching as she began to drool at the abundance of food before her.

Once it was all complete, Flora, Sandra and the other orphans all helped in serving the scouts and themselves breakfast. All of them thanked l Sandra, Flora, and the children for the food and assistance with their injuries. Afterwards, they all began eating their meals.


By the time everyone finished, Sandra and Nicholas went out and fed the scouts' horses.

"Mama, can I ask you somethin'?"

I focused my attention on Nicholas as he continued feedin' the horses.

"I've been tryna ask Hange about big sis, but she keeps avoidin' my questions or is givin' me vague answers. Did she not join her and the other soldiers here?"

I glanced at the horses, tryin' to find a way to answer. I turned to him, ruffled his hair and said, "I'll answer your questions when we're done feedin' the horses and we're back inside with everyone." As much as I don't wanna tell him nothin', I can tell how concerned he is. Especially since he heard Flora screamin' before.

Once Nico and I went back inside the house, I noticed all of the scouts standin' about.

"Thank you for your help Miss Sandra, but we must be going. Our soldier needs to be seen by the medics back at headquarters for further evaluation," said Hange.

"What soldier Mama?" Nicholas quickly asked.

I glanced at Hange, then looked at Flora and Nicholas. I sighed, then said, "Before y'all leave, these two need to see 'em. You can get your horses ready in the meantime." I don't want 'em to see Y/N like this, but...I can't find it in my heart to hide it.

I took a deep breath, then told Flora and Nicholas to follow me to her room.

"What're we doing at big sis's room?"

I reached for and grabbed the door handle. I gripped it, then said, "I'm gonna need ya to be strong Nicholas." I turned the handle and gently pushed the door open.

As we all walked in, I looked at both of my children. Flora started to tear once again when she saw Y/N. She covered her mouth, tryin' to hold back her feelings.

Lookin' at Nicholas...he was absolutely mortified.

I went and grabbed the two chairs and placed them by Y/N's bedside. Flora and Nico went up to and sat down on 'em as I stood in between them.

"W-what happened to big sis?" Nicholas asked softly. I grabbed both his and Flora's shoulder and answered, "She was forced to confront her past."

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now