Chapter 18

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Ugh, fuck. Where am I?

As I slowly opened my eyes, I began taking notice of my surroundings. The pale floor is littered with dusty bootprints. There is some faint fluorescent light shining in the room. It seems like I'm the only one in this place.

I felt myself begin regaining consciousness with each passing moment. As I did, I realized I was restrained against a chair. My wrists were tied tightly behind my back and my ankles tied to the chair legs. I still felt very groggy and my body was both numb and sore. I can hardly move. I have no doubt these bastards drugged me with something.

I lifted my head, feeling how this heavy sensation was weighing me down. When I tried to lean a little to my right, I felt something. Like something was against some parts of my body, directly on the skin on my side and back. Was I patched up? Why?

"You're finally awake~"

I looked straight ahead and watched Laura appear out of the shadows. She walked up to me, lifted my chin with her index finger and smirked. "Not surprised that you managed to stay alive...even with all the blood you lost. I'm glad in fact. Now, you'll get to go through all the pain and suffering I've endured all these years."

She backed away from me and with one little snap of her fingers, I heard slightly muffled rustling from behind me. Moments later, 2 men approached Laura, hauling out a large crate with them.

When they stood in front of her, they set it down on the floor harshly, making the dust fly into the atmosphere around it. One of them retrieved a crowbar they had brought with them and opened the crate for her to see its contents.

Through hazy, half-lidded eyes, I watched her marvel at whatever was inside that crate. She slowly reached inside it and the first item she retrieved was a large butcher knife. She gently glided the tips of her fingers over the sharp blade, sadistically licking her lips.

After a few moments, she finally tore her gaze off the weapon, then looked at me and hissed,

"Let's begin~"

She walked around the large crate and came up to me, simply staring. Once again, I attempted to look upward, feeling the heavy sensation begin to wear down.

As soon as I made eye contact with her, she began walking around me. The sound of the heels of her boots filled my ears as she kept circling around me many times. I weakly clenched my fists in an attempt to brace myself.

When she stood in front of me again, using the blade, she glided it over my face, not putting any pressure onto it. Then out of nowhere, she moved it off me and stepped back.

"Come out!"

I could hear a countless amount of footsteps coming from behind me. Men started gathering by Laura and stood around me. Looking directly into my eyes, she crossed her arms, tapping the knife against her upper arm. Her somewhat pensive face changed into a smile, then she said,

"Do it!"

As soon as she uttered those two words, her men all went after Y/N. The chair she was tied to was immediately tipped back, making her arms land hard against the cold, dirty tile floor. The men violently attacked her with brute strength, punching, kicking, kneeing and stomping all over her already weakened body.

Much like she did back at the Survey Corps headquarters, Laura walked around her men, observing them mercilessly assault Y/N. With every grunt, cough, and gasp she let out, it made Laura smile to herself.

This went on for several minutes, but Laura could tell Y/N was resisting expressing the pure agony she was in.

"Pull off and get her back up."

The men got off me at Laura's order. I was panting, feeling nothing but immense pain everywhere. I could taste my blood in my mouth and felt more trickling out from my nostrils. I spit, seeing nothing but dark red seep out onto the floor in front of me.

Quickly, 2 of them grabbed the chair and sat me back up. I could feel the string of saliva mixed with blood attach to my chin.

Laura stood in front of me again and harshly grabbed and yanked my hair. While she smiled at me, I could feel her shove the large knife she had in her grasp into my upper legs.

Laura watched Y/N's face contort drastically as she continuously stabbed her. As she did so, she glanced downward, pulling the weapon out momentarily.

Without hesitation, Laura forcefully shoved the bloodied knife into Y/N's side where her prior injury was. She couldn't withstand the pain and shrieked out in agony, clenching her eyes closed as hard as she could.

Laura sinisterly smirked at her, very satisfied and amused at Y/N's reaction.

It made her want to do more.

Laura yanked the blade from out of Y/N's side and returned to the crate. She consistently used different weapons on Y/N, submitting her to such savage forms of torture.

From blunt objects like wood planks to advanced weapons Laura and her gang managed to steal from the Military Police.


After several days of subjecting Y/N to pure torment, at a certain point, Laura stopped. She ordered a medic to help Y/N with her injuries. She wanted to give her time to heal before executing the second part of her plan.

Late one night...

Hange's POV

I stepped outside and sat on the steps, trying to remain calm, but with no luck. I took off my glasses, rubbing my face harshly. I yanked my hair irritatingly, slowly feeling my eyes well with tears.

What if she survived?

What kind of sick torture tactics are they doing to her?

What if my initial thought is true?

I swallowed hard, anxious at the thought. I looked down at the steps in front of me, letting out a gentle, exhausted sigh.


I turned around, hearing someone call out my name. I saw Eren, Armin, Mikasa, and the others standing by the front door. Levi stood in front of them all, then said,

"I have a plan..."

I was for the plan Levi and the others came up with.

We're going to get you back Y/N.

Just hold on a little longer.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now