Chapter 25

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Levi's POV

As soon as I entered the building, I went as fast as I could to the infirmary. Upon arrival, I kicked the door open and yelled out, "I have a hurt soldier!!"

I laid Y/N down on the first bed I saw, then took the dampened blanket off her body.

When the medics came out, I noticed the surprise on their faces when they saw her. They immediately surrounded the bed and carefully turned her so she'd be laying on her left side.

Upon doing so, I saw the many gashes and burn marks on her back through her torn up uniform.

As the medics examined her injuries, they talked silently among themselves.

One of them came up to me and said, "Captain, we need to disrobe her to see the extent of the injuries." I looked back at her momentarily, and understood. I stepped away, then the medics reached for and pulled the curtain dividers around the bed.

I let out a deep sigh, then looked down at the wet blanket in my hands. I gripped it tightly in my fist, having squeezed some water out of it, making it fall onto the floor. I gazed at it for a small while, then I turned around and made for the door, leaving the infirmary.

The medics quickly proceeded to remove the large jacket she had on, then cut off what remained of Y/N's previous uniform.

After she was disrobed, they removed and replaced the wraps and bandages she had on her since they were soaked from the rain.

Minutes later, Hange, Sasha, and the others entered HQ, making their way to the infirmary for their own injuries. When they got to the infirmary, they noticed the door was already open and had a hole in the center of it. The top hinge was also broken off.

The male doctors noticed them by the entrance and approached. Hange was quick to notice one of the beds was blocked off with the curtain divider.

The remaining doctors had the soldiers sit on the available beds. They were examined and had their wounds treated and bandaged as well.

When Hange was all patched up, she glanced at the closed off section again. "How is she?" she asked the medic that helped her.

"She is very fragile right now. From all the injuries she's a miracle she's even alive."

By the time the medics finished patching Y/N up, Sasha, Eren, and the others had all been discharged from the infirmary. It took many hours, but when the medics finished, most of Y/N's body was covered with bandages and wraps.


Y/N remained asleep for a week. The medics constantly monitored her vital signs, making sure she was stable and that her wounds were disinfected and healing properly.

Jean, Conny and the others would make the attempt to visit her, but due to training and missions, it was minimal.

What the others didn't know was she did have a frequent visitor at night.


He'd pull up a chair and sit by her bedside, glancing at her every now and then.

He'd think about the countless times she got on his nerves.

But then, it would change.

He'd remember how Y/N defended his mother, preventing Laura from slandering her name.

He'd remember how, even being very wounded and in agony, she protected him.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now