Chapter 33

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I was starting to get exhausted. I was drenched in sweat, out of breath, parched, and filthy from constantly landing on the dusty ground. Mikasa is a strong opponent. Her brute strength is definitely something to be intimidated of.

Now that we've gained some distance from each other, I noticed that we'd gathered an audience. Despite this, my focus remained on the person standing in front of me.

I lowered my stance, then went up to her and said, "This will be the final round. Give me your all." She nodded, I backed away, and got into position. I gazed at her, trying to come up with a strategy to win this final fight.

I held my fists up, ready for her. She quickly ran towards me, ready to strike. I dodged, then noticed she slightly lost her balance. Quickly, I grabbed her right forearm and pulled her towards me. Using my knee, I hit her in the stomach, making her grunt and cough out.

Keeping that momentum I swiftly managed to adjust my grip on her arm and tossed her over my head, making her land on the ground, back first. I placed my foot on her upper stomach and stared down at her. She had a little bit of blood spilling from her nostrils.

I let go of her arm and she outstretched both of them flat on the ground. I could feel her heavy breathing from the rising and falling of her chest against my foot. I moved it off her and extended my arm. She looked up at me and lifted her left arm off the floor, grabbing my hand.

I pulled her up and she started dusting herself off. I reached into my pocket, took out a handkerchief I had and handed it to her so she could wipe the small streaks of blood shedding from her face. She took it and did so. I took off my jacket, tied it around my waist and said, "You put up a good fight Mikasa."

I turned to look at the scouts that gathered. I wiped the sweat off my forehead with my forearm and walked up to them. I crossed my arms and said, "What are you standin' around here for? There's a lot to do around HQ. Get to it!" I watched a few of the nervously nod as I walked by, making my way back to the front of the building.

When she was out of sight, Armin and Eren rushed up to Mikasa, asking her what that fight was about. She told them she was training with Y/N because she needed a sparring partner. Eren glanced at her, hiding his worry from the slight bloody nose and markings she got from training.

"Now that's she's back in the picture, we need to figure out our next move...and fast!"

By the time I got to my quarters, I untied my jacket and left it on my chair. I grabbed my towel and went into the washroom to clean up. From that training with Mikasa, I can tell bruises are bound to form...but even so...

I'm proud of her.

When I finished washing up, I did my hair, then got dressed in a dark blue, long sleeve shirt and loose pants. I put on a pair of socks and old shoes I had, then left my room and made my way to the Mess Hall.

I saw a few scouts sweeping, cleaning the tables, and washing dishes. I went up and got a glass of water and some leftovers from breakfast since I hadn't eaten. Afterwards, I cleaned everything I used and returned to my room.

Hours later...

I opened the blinds and looked outside. It's starting to get dark out. In that moment, I heard an immense amount of footsteps stomping past my door, heading outside. I watched the scouts rush out of the building, gathering outside and dividing into small groups.

I gazed at them. Eren and Jean were almost immediately at each other's throats.

Armin and Mikasa were seated on the steps, watching over them.

Sasha was eating some bread and talking with Conny.

Hange was nowhere in sight. Her and her research. I wonder if Moblit has been able to keep up with her—unique—personality.

The few remaining commanding officers and the rest of the cadets were socializing among themselves, beers in hand, sitting on the grass. Pretty soon, they started a small fire nearby.

Y/N got lost in thought, watching her comrades enjoy themselves. This new feeling of relief and joy filled her being. It was a warm, pleasant feeling...and she wanted it to stay.

A sudden knock on the door made me snap out of my thoughts.

"Come in," I called out.

Turning around to look at the door, I saw Captain Levi standing there, holding the handle.

"Why aren't you outside with everyone else?" he asked.

"I needed a rest from training," I answered. He hummed in response. He proceeded to remain by the door, leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed, looking at me.

"What about you? Why aren't you out there?"

"Their ridiculous antics were getting on my damn nerves," he complained.

I raised an eyebrow.

"So you decided to come bother me instead?"

He looked away and scoffed. I softly grinned at his reaction. Silence filled the room for a few moments...then I had an idea.

"Wanna go for a ride?"

December 25 (2): Happy birthday once again to Humanity's Strongest Soldier, Levi Ackerman!

Happy holidays to you all! See you next year!! 🎁🎄😁

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