Chapter 6

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As Y/N continued into her adolescence, she was shown how to put on a harness and use the ODM gear.

Every month or so, they'd travel afar to the Shiganshina District and stay there for a week. She'd be taken outside the Walls at night, when there'd be no scouts or Titans around. Hange and Leon would set up decoys so Y/N could get used to the equipment. the Underground...

Laura has beaten and raped repeatedly throughout these years. Since she was captured and made a slave, she was put through the absolute worst. She was no longer in control of her own body.

One night, she was overwhelmed with the fact that she needed to please multiple men at once. After she managed to do so, those clients paid the leader of the gang generously. They were astounded at the amount of money they were given.

After Laura was taken back to the basement, the leader soon went to go see her. The payment they received made them want to...repay Laura for her hard work. She couldn't resist them since she knew it would lead to a severe punishment.

However, this time was different.

When Laura was tending to the clients from earlier, she managed to sneak a handgun one of them was carrying and kept it under her shirt.

As the gang leader was starting to advance more on her, she took the weapon out and whispered to them, "Die." She shot them in the head and they fell to the floor. She instantly went up to the door and opened it carefully, escaping the basement, leaving them to bleed out.

While she went up the stairs, she started screaming out that someone killed the leader. Two gangsters grabbed her, not believing her. They dragged her back downstairs and spotted someone with the leader's dead body.

This scenario worked out in Laura's favor.

The person that found the leader's body was blamed for killing them. Laura, in a panicked tone, told the 2 who were escorting her, to kill the witness...and they did so.

Since then, she was made the new leader and soon, one of the most powerful criminals Underground. Her main priority was the following: find and torture Y/N. She managed to send a child around Y/N's age to find her.


Time passed and the boy came up empty-handed. Laura speculated that Y/N may have gone Aboveground somehow. She was able to get him a false citizenship and the required amount of money for him to leave the Underground.

Not long after he departed, he spotted a young girl in the Orvud District with a few similar physical characteristics as Laura. He found where she was staying and watched her every movement. Slowly, he started to grow an unhealthy obsession for her.

As time went by, he found out that Y/N was going to join the Survey Corps. He decided to return Underground and report this to Laura. She found it both amusing and ridiculous that Y/N was trying to leave her past behind.


The years passed by quickly and soon, Y/N was now 18. It was finally time for her to officially join the scouts.

I washed up, got dressed, put on my cloak, grabbed a bag with some belongings inside it and went outside. Hange and Leon are going to arrive soon.

As if on cue, from a distance, I could see Hange arriving on her horse while holding the reins on the horse I've been training with.

"Heeeyyy! Ready to go??" she shouted, letting go of her horse's reins and waving her arm in the air.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now