Chapter 7

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⚠️Some spoilers from No Regrets OVA ahead!⚠️

As the year went by, Y/N became very fixated on how to take down Titans. She rigorously trained alongside the other soldiers and on her own time. She obeyed the rules, is strong, determined, and remained level-headed at all times.

But, there was an issue.

She didn't speak to anyone.

No one knew what her voice sounded like.

The only one that did was Hange.


At age 19, Y/N went on her first expedition outside the Walls. It was a very gloomy, cloudy day. It looked like it would rain at any moment...

Once we all made it to the Forest of Giant Trees, we were divided into small groups. When we were dispersed, I followed the group I was assigned to for a few moments. I got ahead to the leader of the group, venturing forward on my own.

She unintentionally made herself the center of attention, killing a numerous amount of Titans in a matter of minutes. Scouts around her watched in awe, intimidated by the way she was handling her equipment, mercilessly killing each and every Titan in her path. This was the only way she could relieve all the fury she's held onto throughout the years.

I returned back to my horse and continued forward. As my stallion dashed through the terrain, I suddenly felt some water droplets land on my head and face. I put on my hood and gripped the reins.

Mist started forming the harder the rain came down, making it difficult to see what was ahead.

I heard an unexpected signal flare be shot behind me. I pulled the reins on my horse, stopping them. I looked behind me to see what color flare was shot. The mist is still thick. I can't see it. I decided to head in the direction I heard it be shot in.

As I was making my way through, I saw several dead scouts on the forest floor. New and veteran soldiers with severed limbs, their intestines exposed, and surrounded in huge puddles of blood, water, and mud. I gently sighed, continuing forward.

When I was made it out of the forest, I saw a Titan nearby. It has its back towards me. Before I could attack, I saw a shadow of a scout appear out of nowhere. They began absolutely obliterating the thing until there was nothing left.

The rain finally started to ease and the mist cleared up slightly. I gazed down at the muddy ground, seeing 2 more dead scouts around what remained of the Titan.

A beheaded female and a male's upper body.

I looked up and saw a male scout, coated in Titan blood, looking down at the dismembered corpses.




I could see all of those emotions from him...even through his stoic exterior.

I stood by my horse, hearing several muddy footsteps approach. I spotted Commander Erwin Smith and the surviving scouts and watched as he went up to the individual who brutally dismembered the Titan.

I got back onto my horse and slowly made my way to the other scouts, maintaining my distance.

Minutes later, the Commander ordered everyone remaining to recover the corpses of the fallen soldiers.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now