Chapter 15

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I clenched my jaw, then spit in her face. She let go of my hair, shoving my head away from her. She quickly wiped the saliva off her face, then glanced at Brandt and softly nodded.

Quickly, he gripped my arms and forced me up, making me get on my knees. Laura grabbed my neck, tilting my head upward to make me look at her, then ferociously scratched my cheek. My cheek stung from how harsh her nails swiped against my face. I slowly turned my head back, glaring murderously at her while she sadistically smiled at me.

With her index finger and thumb, she reached for and held my chin, then said, "Now now, no need to be so agitated. It's been far too long.~" Not once did her snicker falter.

"Oh, before I forget..."

All of a sudden, she let me go, backed away and stood upright. Then she turned around and looked at...Levi?

"Humanity's Strongest Soldier: Captain Levi Ackerman."

Ackerman? "What do you want with him?!"

She looked over her shoulder, glancing at me again. She then shifted her gaze upward, giving some sort of signal to Brandt...I knew she did. He tightened his grip on my arms again, making me grunt from the pressure on my shoulders.

"Not. Another. Word," he menaced. I gritted my teeth from the harsh hold he had on me. I glanced at Hange for a brief moment; she looked confused, frustrated, and petrified.

"Now...Ackerman. Let me ask you something."

I watched as Laura nodded at the bastard restraining him. They got him off the floor, making him get on his knees. What the hell is going on? What the fuck does she want with him?!

"You do remember your dear mother...right?"

That immediately caught the three scouts' attention.

"Poor woman. Gone so young......leaving behind a bastard child!!!"

She harshly grabbed and yanked his hair, forcing him to make eye contact with her. I jerked around, wanting to be freed.

A cold, thin piece of metal against my neck immediately made me stop.

A knife.

Laura looked over her shoulder, directly at me. "How cute. Trying to stand up for your boyfriend huh?" I stared daggers at her, then momentarily glanced at Levi. She sneered, then turned her attention back to him.

"Ever wonder why your poor mother's death was so sudden?" A hint of confusion could be seen through his anger. He scowled at Laura, clenching his jaw in anger.

"You don't know shit," he responded in a deep, intimidating tone. She mischievously smirked, let go of his hair and looked directly into his eyes. "You don't either~," she said softly.

She backed away from him, then turned around and focused her attention on Hange, slowly approaching her!

"Take another step and I'll kill you!"

She glanced at me once more and said, "Oh, my sweet daughter. You've changed so much," tauntingly.

"Don't ever call me your daughter you worthless piece of shit!"

She grinned, then said,

"Ever since you committed your first murder ages ago, you haven't been the same. Killing my best customer nonetheless."


I glanced at Hange. Laura over-dramatically gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. "Don't tell me you didn't tell anyone," she mocked.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now