Chapter 30

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Commander Erwin, Captain Levi, Hange and I all sat beside each other in a large meeting room, waiting for the government officials as well as those in command of the Garrison Regiment and Military Police to sit.

When they were all seated, I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair, scanning the people in the room.

"Why have you gathered us back here Erwin?" said one of the government officials. I glanced at the Commander as he said, "This issue hasn't been resolved. Manpower for us has suffered greatly and—"

"We've already resolved what we needed to," another interrupted.

Before Levi or Hange could say something in response, Y/N spoke up.

I gazed in the direction of the official and said,

"You haven't resolved shit."

The chunky pale male before me fixated his gaze on me.

"With all due respect—Miss—but there is no need for such inappropriate language. Nonetheless, I'm not too sure why you are here. This is confidential business between us and the Survey Corps."

I was unfazed by his words. I sat up properly and leaned in, resting my elbows on the table. I stared deeply into his eyes and said, "If it involves the Survey Corps, it involves me and every soldier that is a part of this Regiment."

He had a slightly irked look on his face from my words.

"Alright, alright. Everyone settle down."

I glanced at the door and saw the Commander-in-Chief, Dhalis Zachary, enter the room. As he passed by us, making way to the other end of the table, I noticed some of the officials get nervous or shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

Once he was seated, I slightly reclined into my seat, unfolded my arms and waited for this meeting to begin. The Commander-in-Chief scanned the room, stopped at the Commander and said, "Proceed Erwin." He nodded in response and continued, "As I mentioned, the Scout Regiment is suffering greatly from the loss of funding in all forms."

As he explained the hardships we have endured, I looked around the room again. Some officials remained nervous from when the Commander-in-Chief entered the room. Others were gazing at me with either contempt or perversion...I could tell.

I turned my attention back onto Commander Erwin, attempting to ignore the disgust I felt in the pit of my stomach.

"Titans have increased in number over the past four months," Hange reported. "The Scout Regiment has lost a great number of soldiers, ODM gear, and weaponry. We've also run low on food, nourishment and medical equipment. All of these missing aspects are practically a death sentence to us."

Dhalis narrowed his eyes upon hearing this statement, but remained silent for the time being.

"We've already said this before," a different official said, annoyed.

"You scouts brought this upon yourselves. You've proven time and time again that the Scout Regiment is incompetent and weak! All you do is laze around and waste the resources we've given you to do God knows what!" another complained.

I narrowed my gaze and right when I was going to retaliate, Levi spoke up.

"If it weren't for us, all of you pigs would've been long dead...not that it matters to me whether you become Titan food or not."

After a few moments of silence, I leaned in again and said, "Alright then."

Everyone focused on me when I spoke.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now