Chapter 9

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After several weeks of relentless self-defense training and using the ODM gear, the Titans suddenly returned, trying to cause more destruction. The Commander came up with a plan and was ready to execute.

We all stood atop Wall Rose, on the outer gates of Trost, ready for the Titans. Commander Erwin informed us of his plan prior to arriving.

As we were all preparing for this, I could see the fear on some of the scouts' faces. They've been training decently, so they better not disappoint or decide to run away. If so, I'll feed them to those ugly bastards myself.

Once the Titans started to make their way through the area, Commander Erwin quickly divided everyone into different groups.

"Captain Levi, Cadet Y/N, remain here."

I gently nodded, but was curious as to why he wanted me to stay back...and with the Captain of all people. He has his own squad to lead.

Once the Commander gave a signal, everyone dispersed. I went up to and stood by the edge of the Wall, watching everyone scatter throughout the terrain. Titans were advancing at a fast pace, running around Wall Maria's territory. The scouts used their gear and started slicing the napes off them just as quickly.

I gazed up into the distance, and spotted a strange, furry-looking creature approaching. What the hell is that? I stared directly at it, clenching my fists.

"What the fuck is that thing?" I heard Captain Levi mutter.

When it got to the ruins of Wall Maria, it stopped and displayed a human-like smirk across its horrendous face. It reached for some rubble that was around the destroyed border and started crumbling it.

Suddenly, it threw its arm back and threw the crushed boulders with such force and speed. It was coming straight for us!


Levi tackled Y/N down, shielding her from the debris. A few moments after it stopped, he slowly got off her.

No! Where is everyone?! I shoved Captain Levi off me and crawled to the edge of the Wall. A thick layer of dust covered the terrain, making it difficult to see the damage.

I got up, grabbed my gear and was going to search the area. Right when I was going to leave, Levi abruptly grabbed my arm.

"What do you think you're doing?" He's starting to get on my nerves. I grabbed his wrist firmly, trying to pry his hand off me, but his grip tightened. I glared at him, then a flare shot caught my attention. I turned my head and saw purple smoke coming from the east. That's the direction Hange went!

I glanced at Levi again and finally made him let me go. Without another thought, I jumped off the Wall and used my ODM gear, shooting the grappling hook and blasting the gas towards the nearest standing building. I need to know that she's okay.

Levi was mildly surprised and was going to stop her from doing something stupid. Suddenly, another flare that emitted purple smoke was shot in the west. He hesitantly diverted his attention to the other signal, using his gear to go in the opposite direction.

I landed on top of a tower, trying to spot someone.


As the dust cleared up more, I saw many dead scouts about. Their bodies were slowly being surrounded by small puddles of blood. Damnit!

I kept searching for any sign of life. As I scoured the area, I ended up finding Sasha, Conny, and Jean in between two buildings. I landed next to them and used my hands to communicate, asking them if they've seen Hange or any other scouts.

"We haven't seen her or anyone else. We took cover as soon as we noticed the flying debris," said Jean. Shit!! I told them to search for any scouts that might've gotten hurt from the attack. As soon as they nodded, I left. Where are you Hange?

Meanwhile, Mikasa, Armin, and Eren were with Marco, helping him since he got hurt from the sudden ambush. Sasha, Conny, and Jean scouted the area and found them. Shortly after their arrival, Levi found them and noticed Marco was injured.

Since they were preoccupied with Marco's state, Titans quickly started to surround them. Levi ordered the soldiers to stay with Marco, then he quickly equipped his blades and attacked the Titans about.

As he ventured forward, Levi noticed he was closing in on the abnormal. It was facing the opposite direction. He launched himself at it, using the Pure Titans around to stealthily maneuver through.

Where the hell is she?! I propelled through the air, landing on multiple rooftops, trying to find her. I momentarily turned to look at the Titans by Wall Maria. The hairy abnormal was looking in my direction, smiling creepily. I furrowed my brows as I watched it reach for more rubble. It was going to launch a second attack!

I jumped off the roof, toppling to the ground and covering my head to take cover. I heard the incoming debris shatter many windows and feeble buildings around. Glass shards and pieces of wood were landing on and around me.

Levi took advantage of all the dust in the air to get close to the beast. He managed to attack it with speed, precision, and brutal force.

"Is this...Levi?!"

The abnormal Titan let out a loud shriek, causing more Titans to appear. They hastily ran to it, trying to protect it from Levi's wrath.

Once it calmed, I got up and suddenly started coughing from all the dust in the air. I grabbed my cloak and used it to cover my mouth and nose so I wouldn't inhale it.

When it slowly started to clear, I looked around and spotted someone on the ground at a distance from me. I went up to them, crouched down and turned them around to see their face.


I held her in my arms, firmly shaking her, trying to get her to react.

"Hange! Hange!!!"

I was panicking, desperate for her to wake. After a few moments, she started coughing a bit and her eyes slowly fluttered open. I helped her sit up and rest against a brick wall. She held her head and asked, "What happened?" I grabbed her shoulders and said, "Don't ever scare me like that again!"

Hange felt touched by Y/N's words. This was the first time she showed concern for her. She smiled, grabbed Y/N's arms weakly and assured that she was fine.

Words couldn't describe the relief I felt knowing she was okay. I let her go and noticed a streak of blood trickle down the side of her face. I brushed her hair out of the way and saw she had a gash on her temple. I got up, then reached for and took my blade out.

"What are you going to do?" she asked.

"Don't move."

I took my cloak and jacket off, then used the tip of my blade to tear the long sleeves off my shirt. I tied the 2 sleeves together, then carefully wrapped it around her head, tying it tight enough to stop the bleeding, but also making sure it didn't hurt her.

"I'm surprised your goggles stayed intact," I noticed. She softly chuckled, then I said, "Let's get you back to the Wall." I put my jacket and cloak back on and helped her up.

The Titans managed to surround the abnormal. Levi had to distance himself from the number of Titans that appeared. As he was getting ready to attack again, he noticed the furry abnormal reach for more boulders. "Shit!" He retreated before the debris was thrown.

As I was helping her stand, debris started flying again. I pushed her down, shielding her with my body. The sudden gust of wind pushed my cloak, jacket, and shirt up, letting the pieces of rubble scrape up my back. I looked away from Hange, clenched my fists and firmly keeping my eyes closed, resisting the sudden pain.

Once it stopped, I slowly opened my eyes, looked up at her and asked, "Are you okay?" She nodded, I got off and helped her up.

"Let's hurry."

We got back on our feet, I wrapped my left arm around her abdomen, held her tight and used my gear to get us back quickly.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now