Chapter 35

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"The Survey Corps has become suspicious of our affairs...especially that cadet...Y/N."

"She's a sharp one. Both her and the Commander of the Scouts are going to be a problem. They will be coming in a few days to congregate with us and the other regiments."

"This woman must be a real threat if you're hirin' someone like me to take her out."

Silence filled the dimly lit room. They exchanged glances amongst each other, confirming to their hireling the threat Y/N poses. A mocking-like chuckle escaped their lips.

"What information do you have on her?"

"There isn't much information on her on record. All we know is she joined the Scout Regiment at a young age. She was enlisted per former high ranked commanding officer, Leon Hange's strong recommendation."

"She has been deemed one of the strongest soldiers the regiment has alongside their captain, Levi."


"Hmph. She's just a regular cadet, yet her superiors have allowed her to join our meetings."

"We need you to watch them while they're here."

"No problem."

"There's something else we need you need to do..."


Commander Erwin continued his surveillance outside the Walls, particularly around Shiganshina. He and the commanding officers created a rotation system:

Each officer was assigned to lead a small group of cadets. A small campsite was set up within Shiganshina along the Wall for the scouts to reside in.

To ensure safety in the case Titans were to appear, the campsite was created several meters away from the breach.

Every five days, groups would rotate, continuing to inspect the area for any traces of the Titans.

Although this was a risky plan, it was the only one that fit with the current circumstances.

While this system was in place, the soldiers that remained at the military base had some time to rest and recover, continued training, and did their assigned chores.

Although Y/N's physique improved tremendously during this time, the Commander believed it was best for her to remain on the premises, and to his surprise, she agreed. Even though she feels recuperated, she still remains doubtful of her capabilities.

To keep her occupied however, Y/N was put in charge of providing the departing squads and their horses with enough food as well as ensuring their weaponry was in good condition. She would often go into town on horseback, purchasing ingredients and acquiring newly made gear for her comrades.

This aside, she continued training, using the ODM gear and regaining more and more control with every use. She'd spar one-on-one with her comrades or train on her own...and if time permitted, she would write in her journal.


Early one morning...

As soon as I finished getting dressed, I went through my top dresser, taking out and putting on my dark cloak. After I closed the dresser, I turned around and went up to the door, reaching for and holding the handle.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now