Chapter 26

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⚠️Some Season One spoilers ahead!⚠️

The next morning...


As soon as I woke up, I felt pure soreness take over my body. How long do I have to wait until this shit wears off?!

Right when I was about to make the attempt to sit up, I heard the the door swing open. I looked ahead, seeing Marco, Sasha, Conny, Jean, Armin, Mikasa, and Eren all standing by the entrance.

"She's awake! She's finally awake!!!" Conny exclaimed.

He and the others all entered and gathered around my bed. I gazed at the soldiers as they surrounded me. Jean, Marco, Conny, and Sasha all made way to my right side while, Eren, Armin, and Mikasa stood by my left. I'm glad everyone has recovered from their injuries.

Sasha, who stood right next to me, leaned in and immediately said, "You must be starving from being asleep for so long! I'll be back with some food for ya!!" Just as quickly, she dashed out of the infirmary.

"Wait Sasha! Don't bring too much!" I heard Conny yell out as he chased after her.

As Sasha and Conny rushed down to the Mess Hall, Hange was emerging from her laboratory. She saw them quickly zip by and followed them to see what was going on.

When they entered the Mess Hall, they ran directly up to the cook and Sasha impatiently asked for a tray of food. The soldiers in the room wondered why they were in a rush.

"What's going on?" asked Cadet Krista Lenz.

Ymir wrapped her arm around Krista's shoulders and said, "Look at you being all worried. The potato girl is probably grabbing her what...5th plate of food now?"

Conny instantly turned around to face the scouts seated about. With a bright look in his eyes and a huge grin, he announced,

"Y/N is awake!!"

Hange, standing by the open door to the Mess Hall, stared at Conny and Sasha in complete amazement.

The Commander, along with the rest of the soldiers, all gazed at Conny in disbelief.

From what they could recall, Y/N already looked a corpse.

Like there was no saving her.

Regardless of this, the scouts were relieved that they still had one of their most skilled veteran soldiers still with them.

The Captain, who was seated by the Commander, reached for his tea cup and took a sip. He then placed it back down and closed his eyes momentarily upon hearing this news.

Once Sasha was given the tray, she and Conny bolted out of the Mess Hall, heading back to the infirmary. Hange rushed after them, wanting to see Y/N.

Sasha and Conny came back in record time, returning with a tray with some bread and familiar soup on it. Jean and Eren suddenly went up to either sides of the bed and helped me sit up, adjusting the pillow so I would be more comfortable.

Once I was comfortably resting against the wall, Sasha then came up to my right side. Jean stepped aside, allowing her to step up and gently rest the metal tray on my lap.

Right when I was about to reach for the utensils, I heard a low stomping sound which got exponentially louder with each passing second. I looked up at the open door again and saw Hange rush into the infirmary. As soon as I saw her, she met my gaze, then rushed to my left side and pulled me into an unexpected hug.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now