Chapter 17

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As Levi and Hange were being taken to the infirmary, Erwin turned around and faced the rest of the scouts. Glancing at the soldiers' faces, he ordered them to clean the mess left behind from the raid. Some of them looked around and realized that there were some corpses of dead criminals scattered across the floor. The soldiers noticed the thugs had suffered a brutal, but immediate death.

After Erwin gave the order, he retreated to his office, not uttering another word. The scouts understood and began gathering the equipment necessary to dispose of the bodies and to cover up the breach to the best of their ability.

By the time Hange and Levi reached and entered the infirmary, they were carefully seated on their own individual medic beds. While Mikasa and Eren helped them get comfortable, Armin went to get the medics.

He promptly returned with the doctors and they approached the hurt soldiers. Armin, Eren, and Mikasa left Hange and Levi in the medics' hands and joined the other scouts in repairing the military base.

The doctors immediately tended to Hange's and Levi's wounds. As they were being examined, the medics determined that the injuries they sustained were not life threatening.

By the time the medics finished treating both soldiers, the sun had already set.

The medics gathered the instruments they had used to patch them up onto a metal tray and left the two to rest. As soon as the medics were gone, Hange sat up, resting her back against the wall. She knew she wouldn't get any sleep...especially with that scene of Y/N continuously replaying in her mind.

From all the bruises and bloodshed, she began questioning if Y/N was truly still alive.


Several days passed since the break in. The medics finally discharged Hange and Levi from the infirmary an early afternoon, seeing that both of them have recovered from the harsher abrasions they had received.

Hange's POV

After I finished buttoning up my shirt, I sat down on the edge of my bed and reached for the hair tie I left on a small table beside it. I tied my hair up, adjusted my glasses slightly, then glanced to my side. Levi, who was standing by the bed beside mine, was already changed in his casual clothes and ready to leave the infirmary.

"Section Commander Hange. Captain Levi."

One of the medics entered the room and approached us.

"The Commander says he needs to speak with you."

I glanced at Levi, then got up from the bed and we left the infirmary together, making way to Erwin's office.

When we arrived at his door, I knocked and we entered, approaching his desk. We sat down in the empty chairs in front of it and Erwin started.

"Tell me everything that occurred."

I clenched my fist, looking down at the surface of Erwin's desk. He had blank sheets of paper atop a folder, ready to report the incident. I softly sighed, then began explaining everything.

As the two told Erwin what happened, he wrote down all of the gruesome details.

After Levi and Hange informed him of what took place, Erwin finished writing up the report. He placed the several sheets of now ink-filled pages into the folder, then paused for a few moments.

Erwin intertwines his fingers, slightly fixed his already proper posture, gazed at them & said, "I will send this over to the corresponding section of the Military Police that carry out missions Underground."

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now