- Chapter 34 -

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"Wanna go for a ride?"

He continued to look at me, not giving me a verbal response.

I got up from my bed and walked up to the door, passing by him and stepping out of my room. I could hear the door close and a pair of footsteps following me. He caught up to me, walking beside me as we exited the building.

I noticed the scouts moved their get-together further away from the porch, closer to where they had started the small, controlled fire.

Levi walked past me and went down the porch steps, making his way to the horse stables. Right when I was about to follow him, I noticed there were 2 unopened beer bottles by the end of the steps. I descended the few steps, grabbed the bottles, then made way to the stables.

When I got there, we both got our horses out of their stalls and put the saddles and reins on them. I placed the beer bottles into the saddlebag, then we mounted on our horses and left the stables.

As our horses walked side by side, we remained silent, occasionally hearing one of our steeds softly sigh the farther we went away from headquarters.

After a few minutes, I gazed down at the grass and recognized a familiar patch of flowers from when I'd ventured out the first time. I made my horse stop. I hopped off them, then sat down on the grass beside those flowers. I looked to my side, seeing the Captain still atop his horse.

"Don't be a stranger Captain. Join me." He briefly hesitated, but eventually, he got off his horse, then approached, standing by me.

"Let me ask you somethin'."

I looked up at the dark night sky.

The stars were twinkling.

There were no clouds in sight, which allowed for the full moon to shine bright in all its glory. It casted its lunar rays down onto everything below it, giving much of the vegetation a beautiful glimmer.

"Is the reason why you're so adamant about keeping everything clean and tidy because of where we came from?" I turned my head, glancing up at him to see his reaction. Stoic as ever. I sighed, returning my gaze to the night sky.

"I don't blame you. I'm the same way."

After a few moments, I decided to get up and went up to my horse, opening the saddlebag and taking out the bottles of beer I brought with me. I popped the cap with my teeth, placed it in my pocket and took a big gulp. Turning around, I asked Levi,

"Want one?"

To my surprise, he came up to me and held his hand out. I handed it to him, he opened it and started drinking. I pet my horse, then closed the bag and went back to where I was sitting before.

"What was it like for you Captain?"

I waited a few moments, but never got a response. I suppose that was a very personal question to ask him.

As I took another sip, he approached and sat down beside me.

"I needed to do whatever it took to survive."

I nodded, understanding the true meaning of his words. Blood on your hands in exchange for the ability to live another day. I glanced at him, noticing he was staring off.

Levi thought about when he returned Underground. At first sight, the memories he has of that place started to come back...especially since those that he met there and cared for were now gone.

When he and the others went to save Y/N, for a brief moment, he felt he couldn't continue...but by the time he heard her scream, he snapped out of it.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now