Chapter 28

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Weeks went by since the incident in Wall Sina.

From being attacked by dangerous criminals to fleeing from Humanity's most terrifying predator...the people were living in constant fear, wondering when another attack would ensue.

After the hysteria began to subside, the Royal Government ordered the Garrison Regiment and Military Police to close all the inner gates from the outlier districts that surround Capital Mitras.

The 2 regiments also worked to seal and reinforce the gate that separates the Underground city from the Capital as well as those of the Ehrmich District.

Since their main priority was to increase security, they paid little to no mind about the civilians that survived this horrific event.

This put them at a major disadvantage.

From the destruction of homes & businesses, to the limited food supply an access to necessary resources, fatalities only continued to increase throughout this time...and it was unknown if it would ever stop.


The sound of the horses clopping was beginning to fade. Seems like everyone has left on another mission.

I stared at the ceiling, listening to utter silence for a few moments.

God do I hate laying around!!!

I'm not as sore as before and have been able to move around without feeling much pain. The burns, bruising, as well as some stab wounds on my body have been healing and slowly disappearing. Even the worrisome wounds on my right side and back have improved.

Most of the bandages and medic wrap I had all on me were finally removed since the doctors noticed the more minor abrasions have healed. Now, due to the lack of coverage, I was provided with loose fitting clothes.

Even though I've been feeling better, I can't leave this infirmary. Whatever the Commander ordered of the medics, they have strictly prohibited me from doing anything in regards to the current problems the Scout Regiment is facing.

I'm tired of sitting around doin' nothin'!

Especially now!

Through my blind agitation, I sat up quickly, momentarily forgetting about the stitches on my side.

Son of a bitch!

I lifted the side of my shirt to see the injury. Due to my impatience, the small stitches split and the wound was starting to slightly bleed. I sighed, then scooted to sit on the edge of the bed. I put my shirt back down and applied pressure on my side in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Maybe cleaning it off will help.

Right when I stood up, the door swung open. I gazed at the open entrance, seeing Levi standing by the doorframe, looking at me. He closed the door, then said, "Sit down." I was going to ignore him, but he swiftly approached and stood right in front of me. He abruptly grabbed my shoulders and made me sit back down onto the bed.

When I was seated, he let go of my shoulders, then crouched down in front of me and said, "Move your hand." I kept my hand on my side, reluctant to do so. He let out an impatient sigh before grabbing my wrist and moving my hand out of the way. I looked down and saw the small blood stain that had formed on my shirt.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now