Chapter 16

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"Now. Talk!"

She grinned, then said,

"...I'm afraid that won't happen."

As soon as those words came out of her mouth, more criminals suddenly charged into HQ. Another ambush!

I shoved Laura harshly onto the floor again and faced the thugs, anticipating their attack.

While the three soldiers were preoccupied, Laura scrambled to her tied up henchmen, freeing them from the restraints. As she was doing so, she shouted, "Forget those two! Go after her!!!" pointing at Y/N.

For a split second, I glanced in Laura's direction in confusion. How is she moving around so easily?!

She locked eyes with me and, as if she knew what I was thinking, she undid her jacket, revealing some kind of protection underneath her clothing.

They were outnumbered. The thugs distanced Y/N away from Hange and Levi, leading her outside of the building through the breach.

As she continued to fight, the abundance of henchmen successfully ensnared Hange and Levi once again. Y/N noticed this and attempted to go to them, but Laura's backup prevented her from doing so.

As she kept on fighting, punching, kicking, slitting, and stabbing, it was becoming hard for her to keep up with the amount of enemies surrounding her. Despite this, she made a break for it, going back inside to get to her comrades.

Right when she made it back inside, she was instantly tackled down from behind by one of the men. Before they could even think of overpowering Y/N, she pried them off her and quickly got off the floor. Instantly, and with extreme force, she did a turning side kick, making them fly back and knock down the other men behind him. They hastily  got back up and quickly surrounded Y/N.

Noticing this, she tightened her grip on the switch blade once again, however she let her guard down ever so slightly.

This created an opening for the enemy.

With a large knife in hand, one of the men managed to get close to her, then forcefully shoved the large blade into Y/N's side.

I froze in place for a few seconds, clenching my jaw from the utter pain now inhibiting my right side. The knife forced into me was immediately yanked out and blood began soaking into my uniform. I can feel it.

I held my wound, gripping my clothes tightly. I reopened my eyes, glaring at the thugs that stood in my line of sight. I gripped the switch blade as hard as possible and ruthlessly attacked.

"Isn't this surprising?" Laura mumbled aloud while watching Y/N. She continued to fight, even with a deep wound in her side. Laura found it both amusing and idiotic.

Y/N mercilessly targeted each criminal, rapidly taking down one and moving on to the next.

The more Y/N fought, the more Laura grew impatient.

She decided to take matters into her own hands.

Laura glanced down at the floor and spotted a large glass shard that was relatively close to her. She evilly grinned, then went up to it, picked it up, then looked up.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now