Chapter 36

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When I returned, I saw Reiner, Bertholdt alongside other scouts outside. I slightly pulled the reins on my horse, stopping in front of them.

"Take the crates to the kitchen. I'll be there in a few minutes." The scouts nodded and went up to the cart. I took out the newspaper from the saddlebag and got off my horse.

Reiner approached, holding his hand out to me. I handed him the reins, then walked up to the entrance going inside the building.

As she walked away, he stared at her in astonishment.

"What's wrong?" Bertholdt asked him. He gazed at the other soldiers, then said, "Y/N's hands are all messed up. Like she got into a fight or something."

The scouts all stared at each other, wondering what happened to Y/N while she was gone.

Once I entered my room, I placed the newspaper on my desk, then went straight into my washroom. I rolled up my sleeves, turned on the faucet and washed the dry blood off my hands.

After my hands were clean, I turned off the faucet, patted my hands dry with a clean washcloth, then set it on the side of the sink to dry.

Returning to my bedroom, I took off my cloak and placed it on the back of my chair, then went to my dresser and took out a clean, long sleeve shirt. I quickly changed, leaving my stained shirt atop the dresser to deal with later.

I proceeded to go up to my desk and glanced blankly at the newspaper that lay atop it. After a few moments, I grabbed the newspaper and opened the center drawer of my desk, tucking it away. I'll look over it tonight.

I closed it, then left my room, heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

The scouts had brought in everything Y/N had purchased. She proceeded to put on an apron and organized everything, leaving out the ingredients she would be using to cook.

As she prepared the utensils and ingredients, the small group from earlier saw Y/N's injuries. They simultaneously marbled at her knife skills and ability to manage several large pots filled with different dishes with hurt hands.

Despite the bruises and torn skin on and around her knuckles, she did not express any discomfort or pain as she cooked.

By the time I finished cooking, I covered the pots with their corresponding lids, then gathered the serving utensils.


"Breakfast is ready. Let the others know," I said to the soldiers, getting ready to take the first large pot out to the Mess Hall.

"We'll take the pots out."

"Yeah, don't worry about it. We can handle it."

I noticed Reiner and Bertholdt alongside the others glancing at me in a strange way.

I grabbed the large pot, then, sparing a quick glance at my hands, I said, "This is my responsibility right now. I'm fine." Their faces expressed concern, but they understood. They soon left the kitchen with the other soldiers, going to inform everyone know that the food is prepared. Carrying the first pot, I followed them out, placing it on the large serving table beside the kitchen entrance in the Mess Hall.

After I set all the pots outside, I returned to the kitchen and started gathering all the utensils I used into the large sink. I turned on the faucet, then reached for a washcloth and began cleaning everything up.

As I was washing everything, I could hear the door to the Mess Hall open and multiple sets footsteps tapping against the wooden floor.

"I'm so tired," Conny yawned out.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now