Chapter 29

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A total of 4 months went by.

During this time, the Scouts dealt with several conflicts...especially with the Royal Government.

Since they have been pushing to strengthen security in the interior, government officials made the sudden decision to reduce the funding that goes towards the Scout Regiment.

It was immediately brought to Erwin's attention and he went alongside Hange and Levi to meet with the assembly.

Throughout this meeting, the government officials harshly criticized the Scout Regiment's capabilities in being able to eliminate the Titans, constantly blaming this disastrous massacre on their "incompetence."

After this assembly, they returned to headquarters. Erwin had all soldiers gather for an important meeting regarding this matter. The scouts were rightfully disgusted and angered at the hasty decision taken.

Even having lost many soldiers, the amount of gear they had was already becoming scare. In addition to this, other aspects like access to food, water, and medical equipment were now at stake.

This made the Scout Regiment be at a standstill, making it unable for them to go on missions.

Y/N was informed of the Scout Regiment's pressing affairs by Commander Erwin and Captain Levi after the meeting. After receiving a small summary of what occurred, she gave her honest opinion on the matter. With a calm yet triggered tone, she said to them,

"So the 'higher ups' are only focused on saving their own asses, compromising the lives of their subjects and putting all the blame on us...

Didn't expect much from those stuck up bastards to begin with. They tried doing the same thing to us 5 years ago."


One early afternoon, the medics went to check on Y/N's wounds as the have been throughout this time.

As they removed the few remaining bandages on her body and examined the injuries, they noticed that her deepest wounds finally fused and healed.

They took her vital signs once more, then after a small discussion, they determined that she was well enough to be released from the infirmary.

After being told by one of the medics that I was discharged, I nodded in response.

Before they left the room, I called out to them and asked, "Did you happen to save the jacket I had on before?" They nodded, then went up to and opened a nearby drawer, taking out the now clean jacket. When they handed it to me, I thanked them, then got up from the bed and left the infirmary.

When I got to my room, I placed the jacket onto my chair, then went up to my dresser. I glanced at my closed blinds on my window. Even though they were shut, the strong, bright sun rays still peeked through.

I crouched down, opened the bottom drawer of my dresser and took out a towel. I then got back up and went into my washroom. I took off the clothing I had on, then grabbed a clean cloth, turned on the faucet and bathed. I carefully washed around the few coverings I had left on my body, still cautious of them.

Once I was clean, I grabbed the towel, dried myself off, then wrapped it around me and returned to my bedroom. I went up to my dresser again and opened it, getting a change of clothes.

Upon opening the drawer, I looked inside and noticed something...oddly familiar. I took it out of the drawer and unfolded it. Isn't this the blanket Miss Sandra gifted me? How did it get here? I don't remember bringing this with me when I first came here.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now