Chapter 11

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For the next couple days, Y/N was forced to stay in the infirmary until the swelling, bruising, & aching from her shoulder and back healed.

When the medic felt her physical condition had improved, Erwin ordered her to remain out of combat for a few more days. Y/N didn't like staying put, so she decided to be productive.

While everyone was training or out on missions, she'd take care of the horses, clean, or train herself as much as she could handle.

Once Commander Erwin deemed Y/N capable, he let her regroup with the scouts.


On an early morning, everyone was already outside, ready to train. When Y/N joined them, Hange went up to her and asked,

"How do you feel?"

I nodded, then reached out and gently held her shoulder. I noticed her cheeks get a little pink, then she suddenly lunged herself onto me, holding me firmly. I was a little startled from the unexpected embrace. I didn't know what to do, so I ended up simply gently patting her head.

When I did that, she suddenly let go, looked at me, and smiled brightly."We should join the others," I said softly. She nodded and we reunited with the scouts.

As they were approaching the other soldiers, Levi glanced at Y/N for a split moment. Just as quickly, he looked away, refocusing his attention back onto the scouts.

Some of them were happy to see Y/N was better.

Others...not so much.

Once all soldiers were present, everyone was placed into groups. This time around, she was partnered with Commander Erwin to lead their corresponding group.

While doing hand-to-hand combat, Erwin noticed Y/N was definitely recuperated and stronger than ever. He suspected she was going to train herself while they weren't around.


Once it was dark out, the Commander told us training was over. Everyone went inside to clean up and have dinner.

After I washed up and changed, I left my room and went down to the Mess Hall. I stood by the open door momentarily, noticing everyone was ready to eat. I didn't feel very hungry and wanted to be alone.

I stepped away and went up to the front door, going outside the building. I went up to and sat down on the steps, legs apart, resting my elbows on my knees. I looked out into the distance, feeling the gentle breeze brush against my face. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, feeling my body subtly relax from today's treacherous training...

"You shouldn't be out here."

I slowly reopened my eyes and disregarded the comment. Soon, I heard footsteps approaching me.

"Are you deaf?"

I glanced to my right, only to see Captain Levi standing by me. I looked back ahead, ignoring him again. I lightly sighed, realizing he won't leave me be if I don't do as he "ordered." I got up and walked past him to return indoors.

Out of nowhere, he grabbed my left shoulder, stopping me in my tracks.

"What is it that you want? You want me to stay here and keep you company or go inside like you 'ordered'?" His stoic demeanor didn't change.

I swatted his hand off me and as soon as I reached for the door knob, he firmly grabbed my wrist and turned me around, making me face him.

Levi held her wrist firmly, glaring angrily at her. Flashbacks from when Y/N was a child came flooding back, more intense and vivid than before. The familiar fear she felt back then spontaneously resurfaced. She tried to pry his hand off her wrist, but he held it very tight.

He forcefully pinned her against the door, fuming with anger. He was sick of her disrespecting him.

Before he knew it, he noticed the panic and utter terror in her eyes. His face dropped. His surprise made him loosen his grip. She noticed and forced him to let go, then quickly returned inside.

The other scouts noticed Y/N hastily enter, going down the hall to her room. They all wondered what happened, seeing that she looked somewhat agitated. It surprised them that for a brief moment, they saw some kind of emotion come from her.

Moments later, Levi came back inside and sat down back in his spot, reaching for his cup of tea. Although he returned looking unscathed, he was somewhat pensive about Y/N's reaction.

"-What did you do to her?! She's mine!!!-"

Ever since that night, Y/N kept wondering why those memories were returning. There needed to be a purpose...right?

Hange realized that Y/N was acting strange. She decided to leave her be, but as the days went by, Y/N wasn't behaving the way she usually does. The scouts noticed she was constantly distracted and wasn't as tentative as she usually is.


Before the day's training, Hange met with Erwin and told him Y/N wasn't feeling well and she'd take care of her. He understood, then proceeded to train with the others.

"Hange, I don't need a damn babysitter!"

"I'll leave you alone until you tell me what's going on...and don't say it's nothing. Everyone's noticed you've been acting strange lately."

I sighed in annoyance. I gently grabbed Hange's hand and said, "Listen, I appreciate that you care, but I'll deal with it."

"Fine, but you know that I'm here for you," she assured, gently gripping my hands. I nodded, then told her to join everyone. When she got up and left, my irritation started to bubble again. I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down.


The next day, Y/N was acting like herself again...


She walked into the Mess Hall and saw everyone seated at the tables having breakfast. Hange was relieved to see her familiar demeanor, but still had a feeling Y/N was stressed.

I got some breakfast and sat in my corner, avoiding the others as I tend to. Right when I was about to start eating my meal, all of a sudden, I felt someone sit next to me.


I looked at her and a small smile appear on her face.

Before I knew it, the scouts I usually train sat down around me. What was once an empty table now had all its seats in use. Everyone started to socialize around me, having a few laughs here and there.

"Are you gonna eat that?" asked Sasha, pointing her spoon at my food. I ignored her question and used mine to continue eating.

"There's no point in trying to talk to her Braus. She won't talk back."

I turned my head and saw the other soldiers looking at the scout that spoke from across the room.

Cadet William Brandt.

"She thinks she's superior to everyone else, just because she's a top ranked scout and can take down Titans on her own."

"She's just trying to play off the fact that she has a dark past."

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now