Chapter 23

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Some of My Messy Notes 😅:
- Thinking about ages:
• Nicholas — Y/N: 10-12 year age gap
• Y/N— Levi: 5-6 year age gap
• Y/N — Hange: 2 year age gap

- Ages I've Gone With:
• Nicholas: 18
•Flora: 29
• Y/N: 30
• Hange: 32
•Levi: 35
•Miss Sandra: Late 50s-Early 60s

- Signal Flare Color Code (just in case readers need it):
• Red 🔴: Titan Spotted
• Green 💚: Direction Change
• Black ⚫️: Abnormal
• Purple 💜: Emergency
• Blue 🔵: Retreat
• Yellow 💛: Mission Terminated (whether successful or not)


Hange's POV

As we were about to make our way back to HQ, I was about to follow everyone, but...I want to check something first.

I turned around and went in the opposite direction, making for the Orvud District.

"Hey four eyes. This is no time for investigative bullshit."

I heard Levi harshly spit out those words, but I remained silent and continued making for Orvud.

"What the hell is she up to?" he wondered.

He and the others followed her lead. When they entered the Orvud District, Hange led them down a path she is familiar with.

As I rode my horse, I gazed around at the houses nearby. Some of the homes closest to the gate were vandalized or ransacked due to the Underground breach. It looks like few are under construction, while others are still in shambles.

After a few more minutes, I finally spotted Miss Sandra's home. That's a relief. The house is still intact.

I went up to and stopped by the home. I slightly pulled on the reins, making my horse stop. I dismounted it, adjusted myself as best as I could, then went up to the door.

As soon as I approached and knocked, the door swung open and a musket was instantly pointed at my forehead.

"W-wait, it's me!!!" I immediately put my hands up from shock and panic. I watched the weapon slowly be lowered and noticed Miss Sandra standing in front of me.


I nervously chuckled as I lowered my hands to my sides. She put the gun down, placed it against the doorframe, then suddenly pounced onto me, hugging me tight. I flinched and slightly grunted from the pressure she was putting on my shoulder.

"What's wrong hun?"

"N-nothing." I don't want to worry her.

Sandra looked behind Hange, noticing the other injured scouts.

"Oh no, this won't do! Y'all better come inside so you can be fixed up," she suggested.

"No, it's fine Miss Sandra. We're fine," I insisted.

At that moment, Sandra let go of Hange and focused on the cart behind Levi's steed. Something about it made her want to know what it contained. She walked out of her home, making for the cart.

"W-wait! Miss Sandra!"

She walked away from me, making her way towards the cart. How is she such a fast walker??? I went after her, trying to catch up and stop her from getting to it.

When I finally did, I saw her staring into the cart in complete shock and horror. Her eyes were practically glued onto Y/N's heavily bruised and cut face. I glanced at Y/N, noticing some fresh blood stains slowly seeping through onto different parts of the blanket.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now