Chapter 19

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"Aww, where's that fighting spirit now~??"

"F-fuck you," I groaned out as I watched her approach me. She immediately wrapped her hand around my neck, forcing me look up at her.

"I tried soooo many different things to get rid of you, but you just had to resist them all."

"H-how much do you wanna pussied out?"

She let go of my neck, backed away, and in that same instant, she smacked me hard across the face. I turned my head back around, looking down at myself.

My body is aching everywhere.

My clothing is stained with dirt, boot prints, dry blood, fresh blood, and was practically destroyed and torn up from all the shanks I've gotten.

It can hardly be recognized as a Survey Corps uniform.

The many holes and blood stains reminded me of the scraps I wore when I was once here...


Hange's POV

Once all of us were outside HQ, we gathered all of the necessary equipment and our gear, then placed them into a large cart. Eren and Mikasa helped bring out our horses as quietly as possible and the rest of us set up the saddles and reins on them. Afterwards, I attached the cart to Levi's horse and we all got on our steeds, leaving the Survey Corps headquarters.

When we were far out enough, I kicked the side of my horse, making it run hastily towards gate that leads to the Ehrmich District.


Some time later, we managed to get into the interior of Wall Sina and found the entrance that divides the Underground from Capital Mitras. It was heavily blocked off from the breach Erwin told Levi and I about. I remember finding a secret passageway when I was kid. It's going to be hard to find since it's so dark. Let's hope it hasn't been discovered.

I got off my horse, grabbed and lit my lantern, then said, "Find a safe place to hide the horses. I'll be back." I watched Levi grabbed the reins of my horse and led it with him as they looked for a safe spot. I turned around, held up my lantern and walked around the area, trying to find the opening.

After a few minutes of searching, I found it. Holding my lantern firmly, I crouched, trying to see if the entrance was big enough. It was covered with some rubble, but it's still manageable for us to get through with our gear.

I turned around, seeing everyone walk up to me.

"Where's Marco?"

"He agreed to watch over the horses," Jean informed. I nodded, then said, "I found the way in. Follow me." I turned back around and returned to the opening.

The path was much narrower than Hange expected. It took the scouts some time, but they all managed to get through.

Once they infiltrated, they split up into two groups: Eren, Mikasa, and Armin went with Hange and Jean, Conny, and Sasha went with Levi.

Hange warned everyone of how dangerous the Underground was. She made sure they knew not to appear like walking targets. What the group didn't know was that Levi is very familiar with this place.

They went in their groups, going in opposite directions, maneuvering through the area.


After over an hour of searching, Levi and his group heard rustling and voices echoing in a very old, dimly lit, abandoned factory. He recognized one of Laura's men from afar, facing away from what he assumed was an entrance on the side of the building.

"Surround the building," he quietly instructed. They nodded and carefully snuck around the area.

Levi stealthily made his way towards the man and when he got close enough, he retrieved his blade and in a swift move, slit the man's throat.

When the body collapsed on the ground, he shoved it away harshly with his boot and managed to silently enter the factory.

On the other side of the building, Hange and her team spotted Conny. They approached and he told them the few details he knew. Hange had a gut feeling that Y/N was inside. She ordered everyone to follow her inside.

As they silently infiltrated the building, a sudden, echoing voice stopped them in their tracks.

It was Loud...


and Familiar.

It belonged to a female; Hange recognized it instantly. She instructed the scouts to follow her as they tried to find where it was coming from.

Levi heard the voice as well. The only difference was that for him, it didn't echo as much. It was much clearer to hear—he was much closer to it.


Laura paced around me, then began by saying,

"Wanna know why I absolutely fucking hate you? Well, the answer is pretty plain and simple. I didn't want you."

She stopped in front of me, leaned forward and said, "You mean absolutely nothing to me...and you have your father to thank for that."

My father?

"The reason being...? Your father decided to leave me for someone else."

I lifted my head as much as I could handle, glanced at her and weakly uttered, "H-he must've realized how much of a psychotic bitch you are."

Right away, she grabbed my face with one hand, forcefully digging her nails into my cheeks.

"He and I were happy together but...THAT BITCH TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME!!!"

She had a very dark, evil look in her eyes...and all I could do was take it.

I can't fight back.

She continued to glare at me viciously, then, instantaneously, her gaze softened. She replaced her firm grip on my face with an unexpected, tender hold.

"You ended up with his beautiful eyes," she said softly to me.

She shoved my face away from her, then stepped away.

"He was ready to leave me in the dust and go live happily ever after with her." I watched her clench her fists at her sides as she spoke.

"But...naturally, I didn't let that happen. If he wasn't going to be with me...he wasn't going to be with anyone."

Does this mean...?

"Y-you killed him?!"

She side-smirked, as if she was content with my reaction. When she brought up my father before, I instantly began to wonder of his whereabouts...then come to find out from the piece of shit in front of me that she murdered him.

"I did some digging since I was genuinely curious, and you wouldn't believe what I found out!" She had an eager look in her eyes, then asked,

"Wanna know who the mystery woman was?"

I clenched my jaw, awaiting her answer. She snickered, then finally said,

"None other than your little captain's slut of a mother...

Kuchel Ackerman!"

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now