Chapter 14

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I wandered the halls, trying to find him. I opened several doors, checking as many rooms as possible, only to come up empty-handed. Where the hell did he go?

"Looking for me?"

I turned around and as soon as I saw Brandt, he was about to attack. I quickly dodged and backed away from him.

"One of the highest ranked soldiers. I'm sooooo scared!" he uttered mockingly. As calmly as possible, I asked, "What do you want?"

"Let's just say...your mother says hi."

I felt my stomach drop and eyes widen in disbelief. He can't be serious. He just can't!

That comment was enough to distract Y/N, making it easy for him to strike. He punched her across the face, making her stumble backwards. She managed to stay standing on her two feet, but she realized that from that punch, she accidentally bit down hard on her bottom lip. A thin streak of blood trickled down from her bottom lip to her chin. She wiped it off with her sleeve and glared at Brandt coldly.

"You're dead!"

Wasting little time, I punched him across the face with enough force that it made his back hit the wall. Hastily, I grabbed his shoulders, pulled him off, then lifted and bent my leg, kneeing him harshly to the stomach. Despite the strong blow, he shoved me away, still holding his abdomen.

The brawl intensified in a matter of seconds. They used anything they could grab to attack each other, as well as using their own brute strength.

Several holes were left in the walls, furniture was broken, and small blood stains littered the wooden floor.

Levi could hear all the destruction and rushed to the back of the building. When he turned a corner, he came across an alarming sight...

Y/N was pinned to the ground, arm twisted behind her back. Blood was spilling from her nostrils and corners of her mouth. Bruises were forming on her cheek and she was starting to get a black eye.

Brandt was roughed up as well, with bruises and a gash on his temple, but he clearly had the upper hand. He managed to use a strap from his harness and wrapped it tight around Y/N's neck.

With her free hand, she continuously tried to pry it off of her, but with each attempt, Brandt would tighten the strap more.

He forced his knee into her back to keep her in place, got close to her ear and whispered, "It's only fair to return the favor."

When he fixed his posture, he noticed Levi appear. To spite him, Brandt firmly gripped the strap in his hand and forcefully yanked it.

My head was forced upward unexpectedly. I started coughing and gasping for air. I shook around, clawing at my neck with my free hand while simultaneously trying to free my restrained arm, only for him to use more of his body weight to keep me down. I looked to my side and it was then that I noticed Captain Levi.

"Move an inch and the bitch dies!" Brandt threatened.

"Yeah...right," I strained. I tried to shake myself free again, but he held me down and yanked on the strap again.

"Don't. Move."

I coughed even harder, groaning and gasping, desperate for air.

She clenched her eyes closed for a few moments, but when she reopened them, through her somewhat blurry vision, she glanced at Levi, pleading for help with her eyes. Without hesitation, he quickly attacked Brandt, making him let go of the strap and getting him off her.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now