Chapter 21

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As soon as I heard the Captain's voice, I looked down, noticing Brandt's panic. He quickly pulled his fingers out of me and turned around, retrieving out a firearm he had along his waistband.

"We're under attack!" he shouted.

The many hands that were roughly holding my body retracted instantaneously. My whole body slightly relaxed now that nothing but the familiar restraints were holding me.

In that same instance, my ears filled with the sound of guns cocking around me.

Right as he readied his weapon, out of nowhere, one of Laura's henchmen was powerfully launched directly in Brandt's direction, harshly colliding with his side and making him land away from me. The familiar sound of the zip-lines from the ODM gear retracting and passing by filled the room.

Through the dimly lit room, men were being thrown around like rag dolls, landing hard against the walls. Blood was splattering in every direction, coating the pale walls, dusty floor, and the fresh corpses.

One by one, in a matter of seconds, they were mercilessly being slaughtered.

By Captain Levi.

"Speak of the devil~," Laura muttered.

I turned my head to the side, seeing Brandt shove the dead man off him. He hastily got off the floor and quickly scanned the room...

His gaze changed almost instantly.

I looked in the same direction he did and realized he'd spotted Levi. Before I could warn him, I heard a loud, unexpected groan come from Brandt. I looked to my side again and saw...Sasha?

She tackled him down, holding his wrists behind his back and taking hold of his weapon.


Suddenly, the functioning fluorescent lights all turned on, allowing me to look at my surroundings. I shook in my seat, managing to turn the chair slightly and looked behind me...







They're all here...


To help me...

"Hange, she's over there!"

I saw Jean point in my direction. Hange immediately rushed towards me. When she got to me, she stood in front of me and quickly helped pull up my tights and fixed my jacket, trying to cover me up as best she could.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now