Chapter 12

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"That's enough!"

I glanced at the table in front of me, looking at the scout who spoke up. Cadet Marco Bodt.

"Tell me this Y/N. Is it true that you crawled out of vile pits of the Underground?"

I felt my face drop instantly. Hange and I glanced at each other; she looked just as confused and aghast as I was.

"Based on your reaction, I'd say it is true. How did the Scout Regiment let a dirty little delinquent like you join?" Brandt asked maliciously.

I could feel Hange tense up. She was seconds away from getting up from her seat. I grabbed her shoulder firmly, trying to keep her from getting up. I leaned in and whispered to her, "I got this."

With that, I got up, let go of her shoulder, and approached the soldier. He was sitting near the end of the bench, but the spot at the very end was empty.

I sat down next to him, facing the other direction. I rested my elbows on my knees, looking down at the floor. After a few moments, I leaned back, resting my right elbow against the table. I turned my head, looking deep into his eyes and answered,

"If what you asked is true, then what?"

Everyone was dumbfounded. Not only from what Cadet Brandt revealed, but also because this was the first time they heard Y/N speak. The sound of her voice was both calm and menacing.

Brandt slightly shivered, intimidated by her blunt and dangerously indifferent demeanor.

"That would mean I'm right! You people can go back to your murderous ways at any second. Not to mention the shit hole you grew up in." He adjusted in his seat to properly face me, then asked,

"Tell me something Y/N. Have you killed anyone before?"

"You talk a lot for someone that's gotten their ass handed by me multiple times," I retorted.

He got up from his seat, stood in front of me and said, "You didn't answer my question." Instead of letting me answer, he continued accusing me of crimes I may or may not have committed in the past.

I let out a soft sigh, annoyed by his talking. I stood up, got close to him and said, "Kinda sounds like you want to fight."

He took a small step away from me. I could see how nervous he was starting to get.

Suddenly, he swung his arm and clenched his fist, trying to punch me.

Swiftly, I grabbed his fist, turned him around and twisted his arm behind his back, harshly shoving and holding him down against the table. I pressed my knee into his lower back, putting immense force onto his arm.

"Don't test me."

"Y/N, let Cadet Brandt go now!"

I heard the Commander order me to let go, but I refused. He kept groaning in pain, trying to free himself from my grip. The more he tried to make me let go, the more my grip tightened.

Unexpectedly, I felt someone yank me back, making me let go of the scout. My arms were held together tightly behind my back.


I turned my head, glancing behind me. He was the one that pulled me off the scout.

Captain Levi.

Past, Present, and Future: Levi Ackerman x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now