Chapter 4: He Saw Us

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The festivities had ended, every attendee had a full stomach and were escorted to their rooms to sleep for the night

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The festivities had ended, every attendee had a full stomach and were escorted to their rooms to sleep for the night. In one chamber, Eddard Stark was still awake – contemplating on King Robert's offer to make him the next Hand of the King. A blast of cold night air blows into the chamber. Catelyn pulls the furs up to her chin. Eddard breathed deeply, taking the cold into his lungs, staring into the distance before turning to face his wife.

"I'm a Northmen," he says quietly. "I belong here with you, not down south in that rat's nest they call a capital..."

Catelyn looks up at her husband, her face softening as she sees her husband's feeling of emotional conflict. "I won't let him take you," she proclaims.

"The King takes what he wants. That's why he's King."

Catelyn smiles as she playfully pokes Eddard's cheek. "I'll say, 'Listen, fat man, you are not taking my husband anywhere. He belongs to me now.'"

Eddard chuckles at his wife's sense of humor as she starts to cuddle him. "How did he get so fat?" he asks quietly in surprise, still having a hard time believing that his childhood friend Robert gained so much weight.

"He only stops eating when it's time for a drink," Catelyn jokes again, causing the two to start laughing again.

Such a comforting moment was ruined when a sentry knocked at the door.

"It's Maester Luwin, m'lord," they call out.

"Send him in," Eddard calls out.

He slowly gets out of bed as he slips on a heavy robe. The door opens and Maester Luwin enters, waiting until the door is shut behind him before speaking.

"Pardon, m'lord, m'lady," the maester apologizes for disturbing their rest. "A rider in the night from your sister."

Luwin draws a tightly rolled paper waxed in a blue moon-and-falcon seal from his loose sleeves and hands it to Catelyn, who removes the seal and begins to read, recognizing the symbol of the falcon.

"This was sent from the Eyrie," she realizes in astonishment. "What's she doing at the Eyrie? She hasn't been back there since her wedding."

As she continues reading the content of the letter, Catelyn begins to show a worried look on her face and looks up in alarm before throwing the message into the fire to burn it.

"What news?" Eddard asks.

"She's fled the capital. She says Jon Arryn was murdered. By the Lannisters. She says the King is in danger."

"She's fresh widowed, Cat. She doesn't know what she's saying."

Catelyn shakes her head. "Lysa's head would be on a spike right now if the wrong people found that letter. Do you think she would risk her life, her son's life, if she wasn't certain her husband was murdered?"

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