—The Wall—
Jorah and Jaehaegon were remained on their horses, all while braving the North's often unforgiving winter blizzards. This was the first time the young Velayron ever set foot this far north in Westeros, but for Jorah... it felt like a lifetime ago since he was last in his native homeland. Where he was once Lord of Bear Island, he now returned an exiled Northmen in service to the Dragon Queen—a claimant to the Iron Throne. Having taken a boat from Dragonstone and arrived near the Wall to avoid detection, he couldn't help but look back on Daenerys's earlier sentiment upon receiving a message from Melisandre, one where it received poor reception from another.
"There is no way I will even permit such a delusional task. I forbid it," Connington said rather adamant.
"That is not your decision to make, Connington," replied Missandei.
"I am the Queen's Hand, child—"
Daenerys decided enough was enough. "And yet you schemed behind my back, led my armies into one trap after another, outright misled me about what to expect in this country—my country—only for realization to set in that everything you ever told me was a lie. So no, I will make the decision."
"Our enemies spread lies, deceit and propaganda," the self-proclaimed Lord of Griffin's Roost sputtered. "Ned Stark's bastard is no different. His spawn could be using this so-called 'warning of threats beyond the Wall' technique as a diversion to distract our forces just to catch us off-guard again."
"Then why am I hearing reports that Daveth Baratheon received a similar warning as I had from two separate sources? As soon as Lady Melisandre delivered this message, the Unsullied reported Daveth's forces ceased mobilizing and remain on standby." Daenerys turned to her advisors.
Jorah stepped forward. "With the Queen's permission, I'll go north and ascertain the truth. If the threat is real as the Night's Watch say it is, I'll take one," he offered.
"Ser Jorah..."
"You asked me to find a cure so I could serve you. Allow me to serve you."
Connington again shook his head. "That is not up to you to decide, Mormont," he seethed.
"And neither is it yours, Lord Connington. I will allow Ser Jorah to venture north to ascertain whether the truth of the matter is legitimate," Daenerys replied firmly. She had finally had enough and redirects her attention towards Grey Worm. "Torgo Nudho, hin Rangam ez Hozno ynoma dekurūptā. Nēdyro mentyro hēdrȳ pāsābarje karajē iksā. Āeksio Ionos Connington ēza qringaomatan nyke, yn daor ao. Avy tolvio azantyro ñurho jentosy brōzan. (Grey Worm, you have walked beside me since the Plaza of Pride. You are the bravest of men, the most loyal of soldiers. Lord Jon Connington has failed me, but not you. I name you commander of all my forces.)"
Grey Worm nodded as Connington sputtered, his face turning a dark shade of red with anger. But before he could open his mouth, Jaehaegon cut him off.
"I understood every word of what our Queen said, Lord Connington. And her decision is final," he told him.

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...