"Oi! Move out!" shouts a Northman soldier.
"Look, on the west wall!" exclaims a Lannister scout.
"Come on, lads! Get these arrows up to the eastern barricade!" ordered Dacey, directing her men. "Alysane, Lyanna, you two accompany our mother on the northern front! Quickly now!"
"Yes, Lady Mormont!"
"And you," she turns to another, "close the gate!"
"Close the gate!"
Multiple soldiers and militiamen pass by each other getting into position; in spite of the darkness, they held up lit torches to light their way as Unsullied warriors march double time behind them. Exhausted, cold and overall frightened at fighting an unknown enemy with the power of death itself, nearly everyone was on edge. With Jon Snow's reports of White Walkers sightings near the Woldswood, Winterfell has become a place full of chaos and noise. Nearby, Theon pushes Bran through the courtyard on their way towards the Godswood – accompanied by Alys, Rodrik, Gwyn and Olyvar with two dozen of their guards.
Warmed by their fires, men and women stand in anticipation, their eyes scanning the darkness ahead. Ser Davos delivers a supply track full of dragonglass arrows, ordering his men to have them hauled up to the battlements with ropes as archers readied the trebuchets with pitch and scorpions with dragonglass-engraved bolts. The Onion Knight felt his breathing quicken and turns his eyes upwards to see Drogon and Rhaegal flying overhead; although he repeatedly told himself Daveth would be able to take care of himself, a sentiment he shared with Ser Barristan, Ser Davos still felt uncertain.
When a cold wind whistles through the assembly, the Onion Knight notices two lone riders approaching slowly amidst the darkness. He strains his eyes to see, but once they've gotten close enough a frown forms upon his face.
Outside, a large company of 8,000 Unsullied march into formation; the entire unit of eunuch-warriors stand at attention in disciplined rows and columns, shields up and spears held high. Behind them were the trebuchets and scorpions stationed atop the battlements, with stones and braziers by their sides. To each side of the allied forces, the entire 100,000 Dothraki horde and 20,000 knights of the Vale were mounted on their horses with their swords and spears drawn, waiting for the inevitable to begin.
The other allied forces of the living also stand at the ready—adding to the combined total of 300,000 men and women inhabitants of the Seven Kingdoms as well as the remaining 17,000 Free Folk led by Tormund and 8,000 Night's Watch under Eddison's command who all convened on Winterfell after the Wall was breached. Ser Barristan stood in front as one of the generals commanding the Eight Platoon with Ser Jaime Lannister and Ser Brienne at his side with the Westerlands's Third Platoon stationed nearby under Ser Kevan's command; Robb Stark and Jon Snow led the North's Second Platoon accompanied by Ser Brynden Tully's Riverlands's Sixth Platoon. The remaining direwolves present, Grey Wind and Ghost, stood at the front of the heavy cavalry. Beric Dondarrion commanding the Brotherhood Without Banners with Thoros of Myr at his side. Nearby, Prince Oberyn Martell and the Sand Snakes led the Dornish's First Platoon with Loras Tyrell commanding the Reach's Fourth Platoon, Ronnet Connington leading the Stormlands's Fifth Platoon and Yohn Royce in charge of the Vale's remaining Seventh Platoon.
With the Hound standing in between the Free Folk and Brotherhood Without Banners, Gendry and Mya push their way to the front to join them. As Eddison readied himself for battle, he felt a slight nudge against his right shoulder and turned to see who it was but was jostled to see it was only Samwell arriving.
"Oh, for fuck's sake," he cursed. "You took your time."
"Everyone seems to forget that I was the first man to kill a White Walker. I've killed Thenns," Samwell countered.

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...