King's Landing ― Great Sept of Baelor...
Bells tolled and rung loudly across King's Landing, lords and ladies have assembled in the capital to mourn.
Dressed in all black, Daveth sat in a royal carriage currently en route to the Great Sept of Baelor to attend Tywin's funeral. The following weeks have been nothing but miserable for him; first his father died as a result of a hunting accident, then he executed his own mother for treason... now he learned his grandfather was assassinated. Frowning deeply, his hands gripped his knees so tightly his knuckles were slowly turning white. Sitting across from him in the royal carriage, Sansa donned an all-black dress adorned with raven feathers and a chain pendant necklace. Despite her pregnancy, she was insistent on being there at the funeral; not just for Lord Tywin, but for Daveth's sake.
Sansa reached and placed her hand on Daveth's palms. "Dearest..." she motioned.
The Young Stag didn't look at her, but his grip somewhat lessened at Sansa's touch and his frowned somewhat dissipated even if it remained present. Perhaps that was some sort of conciliation. "They killed him, Sansa. Qyburn, Bernadette did this," he told her. "My grandfather, my own blood... I'll have them all hanged for this outrage."
Sansa took his hands from his knees into her own. "I know. Lord Tywin's death took us all by surprise, but they won't get away with this heinous crime. For now you don't have to shoulder this burden alone. We're here for you. Me, Tommen, Lord Tyrion..."
"I know, I know."
The Wolf Queen brushed her thumbs across Daveth's hands, momentarily bringing one hand back to bring it up to her mouth. Sansa felt another disgusting bile climb up her throat again, shuddering slightly as the sensation subsided. Daveth noticed, but said nothing as the cart came to a stop at the stairs.
"We're here, Your Grace," the rider announced.
The carriage door opened and Daveth stepped out, reaching his hand out to help Sansa down the steps. Behind them was another cart, unveiling Ser Barristan, Ser Lucius, Ariyana, Brienne, Tommen and Tyrion following close behind. As the Young Stag walked to the top of the stairs to the Great Sept of Baelor, he maintained a steady pace for his wife, brother, uncle and Kingsguard to keep up. Once or twice, Sansa had to stop as she experienced back and feet ache, sharply inhaling and exhaling whilst keeping one hand on her swollen belly. When the Wolf Queen was all right, the party resumed its march.
Mourners stood on both sides of the aisle, trading glances and quietly offering their condolences to the King. Daveth said nothing, even as he saw Lord Mace Tyrell and his children Ser Loras and Lady Margaery in their black attire wild gilded golden roses and vines stitched into them. Last time the Young Stag encountered the Knight of the Flowers, they were competitors in the Hand's Tourney, then became enemies during Renly's rebellion... now Loras bore a deep curved horizontal scar across his face—a gift from Daveth during the Battle of Blackwater Bay.
"Your Grace," the Tyrells curtsied.
"Hmm," Daveth responded.
Margaery in particular quietly observed the Young Stag's steps, breaking contact as soon as Sansa followed after him. At the final step, the High Septon Ollidor lowered his head in acknowledgement. "Your Grace, we are honored by your presence," he greeted. "The mourners are waiting to pay their respects to Lord Tywin."
"Then let's begin."
The High Septon motioned his hands forward, signaling the mourners to follow behind the King. One by one, they each ascended the steps and into the Sept itself. Once inside, the glass in the dome began to lighten with rainbows shimmering off the walls and floors and pillars, bathing Tywin's corpse in a haze of many-colored light. The Silent Sisters had already tended and prepared the services for Tywin to be laid in state for visitors. As with the previous Hand, Tywin was pointed towards the statue of the Stranger, his hands clasped together over his chest clasping a sword pointing downwards. But his face had taken on a greenish tinge, and was donning a splendid gold-and-crimson armor; two funeral stones with green eyes painted on them with placed on Tywin's closed ones. Candles were lit and banners bearing the sigil of House Lannister surrounding the Seven aspect statues.

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...