Red Keep ― Throne room...
The harvest moon shone through the windows of the throne room, bathing the assemblage in orange light. Excited voices peppered the air as everyone waited to see their King render his final judgment on Aeron and Yara Greyjoy. But while the majority of those in attendance knew the proceedings were meant to ensure the remaining members of House Greyjoy received a just sentence, a select few knew they would serve as a testament to the Young Stag overcoming his inner demons.
None more so than the Hand of the King.
Seated alongside the rest of the Small Council with bony fingers steepled beneath his chin, Tywin watched Daveth grip the pommel of one of the swords that made up the Iron Throne. The Old Lion had stood at his grandson's side throughout the trial, whispering suggestions into his ear, warning him when his tempers threatened to flare, offering counsel when it looked like he needed it most.
"The court will come to order in the matter of the crown versus Aeron and Yara of House Greyjoy," the royal steward announced. "All rise in the presence of Daveth of the House Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. Long may he reign."
"Long may he reign."
Tywin rose to his feet, cleared his throat with a sharp yet regal cough, and waited for the hall to grow silent. When the last voice died down, he began to speak, replacing the image of a man concerned for his house's survival with that of a lord whose visage made his family's most bitter enemies shake in their boots. "Your Grace, my lords and ladies, the events that took place both in the Neck and along our western shores left an indelible mark on the kingdoms. You have heard testimony from those who survived the Second Greyjoy Rebellion and seen evidence of the atrocities House Greyjoy inflicted on their fellow men. You have also heard testimony from those who survived the First Rebellion but lost their homes, their friends, and their families to an ambitious tyrant whose determination to revive the Old Ways destroyed one of the Great Houses of Westeros. Tonight, you will bear witness as the Crown passes sentence on the last of the Greyjoys."
The bronze and wood doors swung open, admitting Aeron and Yara, each flanked by two members of the City Watch, entrance. Chains clanked as they approached the dais and were thrown to their knees. Eyes of all colors stared at them, cold and void of any mercy.
"I submit to the crown, Aeron Greyjoy, a Drowned Man loyal to his brother, the late King Balon. Although he took no part in the battle, he still remained wanted after his escape from captivity during the first uprising. He does not contest this. Speculations also suggest Aeron knew of his brother's plot long before Victarion Greyjoy, Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet, seized Moat Cailin. He only gives us his word that he knew otherwise."
"But knowingly or not, the crimes of one man condemned his own brethren to death. And the idleness of others only served to accelerate the outcome. Such crimes cannot be overlooked. Does the accused have anything to say in his defense?"
"The Drowned God proclaimed me His prophet," Aeron said, his gaze fixed on Daveth. "He Who Dwells Beneath the Wave raised up Balon of House Greyjoy only to watch as he was struck down by a godless boy—"
"Will you offer nothing in your defense?" Tywin demanded.
Aeron shook his head. "Fate had shown itself and gave its favor to the victor when the Oathkeeper came to our shores once more," he said. "But that does not mean the end of us or our way of life. What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger. Render your judgment and bring down your blade, for you have won nothing in the end."
Tywin and Daveth locked eyes with each other, the former nodding his head and gesturing towards the Drowned Man. After a moment's silence, the King spoke. "War is an ugly business," he said, "but it is also a necessary one. Conflict at times forces us to make rather difficult decisions, but justice demands its due in the end. Aeron Greyjoy, for the crimes your house has committed against the realm, you are hereby sentenced to death. Ser Ilyn, take him to the chopping block."

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...