Chapter 41: Onward to the Battlefield

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—At King's Landing—

Red Keep — Throne room...

Sansa Stark ran through the halls of the Red Keep, searching from room to room. She had just received word of Balon Greyjoy's rebellion... and news of Daveth's "eruption", the Wolf Queen's heart pounded in fear and worry for her husband. Sansa held up the front end of her dress to avoid tripping herself; her new attire was a black dress with a subtle texture resembling tree bark adorned with rows of raven feathers around the best of her dress and sleeve cuffs and wore a chain pendant necklace along with two silver penchants entailing both the sigils of House Stark and House Baratheon. And around her arm Sansa carried a light blue silk flowing in the breeze as she ran.  Exhausted from her search, she soon found Daveth standing over a detailed map of Westeros painted onto the floor, speaking with three of his Kingsguard knights Lord Commander Ser Barristan, Ser Lucius and Ser Jaime along with soldiers of the Baratheon and Lannister garrison. Daveth was already in full armor and his Valyrian sword Stormbringer was at his side.

"With Moat Cailin under ironborn occupation, our allies in the North are unable to march south of the Neck nor are they able to turn back," Ser Barristan examined the map beneath his feet. "With any luck, Lord Stannis should be arriving at any moment."

"Provided of course that he's received your message, Your Grace," Ser Lucius gave a small hum. "Randyll might be Master of Ships, but most of the Royal Fleet is still loyal to your uncle. Do you think they'll listen?"

Daveth scoffed. "The captains are well-aware of what'll happen if they don't. Even Stannis himself knows that. What of our forces here?"

"Our men in King's Landing are ready for the march to lift the occupation at Moat Cailin," Jaime chimed in. "While that's going on, our troops stationed in the Westerlands will take the Lannister Fleet and sail up the western coast with the Redwyne Fleet to harass the Greyjoy fleet."

"With any luck, our naval forces should keep the ironborn distracted long enough for us on the mainland to rendezvous at Seagard and begin the eventual invasion of the Iron Islands," the Young Stag theorized.

Sansa felt winded as she stopped to catch her breath. "My King," she finally spoke up.

Daveth turned to see his wife bearing a worried look on her face.

"Your Grace," the Kingsguard greeted.

The King himself simply stood motionless before returning his gaze to the Kingsguard and his soldiers. "Give me a moment to speak with my wife," he ordered. "Have the men ready to march. We ride at nightfall."

All bowed their heads in acknowledgement and left the Red Keep to gather the troops necessary for the war against the Iron Islands. Once the Kingsguard and Baratheon and Lannister soldiers were absent, Daveth was left alone with Sansa.

"What is it, Sansa? I'm a little busy here," he began. His voice was slightly irritated.

Sansa flinched slightly. "Lord Tyrion informed me you plan to take to the field. Please tell me what your uncle said is not true. Please tell me that you are not seriously planning on going with them..." she beseeched.

"I am. What of it?"

The Wolf Queen swore she felt her heart sink. Her husband had already informed her of what had occurred at Lannisport with the ironborn during their courtship, but Sansa was not aware of how deep his hatred for the ironborn was. She feared for his safety when the King eventually leaves to fight on the battlefield, of course, but Sansa is more worried about his mental state as well. Daveth was starting to show subtle signs that he was walking a thin moral line when the topic of House Greyjoy and ironborn came up; but should the noble Oathkeeper ever decide to cross the line... he would be lost to his inner demons.

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