―At King's Landing―
Red Keep ― Maegor's Holdfast...
Two days had passed since the announcement of a Trial by Seven of Cersei Lannister and Petyr Baelish. Since then, word had spread throughout the city of King's Landing to Casterly Rock in the Westerlands. Theon offered to remain behind to watch the trial as a spectator, but one cold glare from Daveth caused him to back down and retract his statement. The lone Greyjoy was to sail to White Harbor with Catelyn and Arya Stark.
And so, it was done.
Ser Jaime—knight of the Kingsguard, twin to the Queen Mother and uncle of the King—traversed the flight of stairs from the White Sword Tower, through the throne room until he reached his destination: Maegor's Holdfast, where the infamous Kingslayer ascended the steps before arriving at his nephew's private chambers. Pushing the door open, he saw Daveth looking over the balcony with his arms crossed. The Young Stag looked over his shoulder to see who entered his room after the door was closed behind them, and silence filled the room after the latch made a quiet click.
"Uncle," he simply said.
Jaime still felt increasingly unnerved about the recent events that took place in the throne room. He loved his twin sister Cersei, but the sudden yet stunning confession that their cousin Lancel had a sexual escapade with her behind his back which shook his faith in her and doubt the severity of his love. "Your Grace."
"I take it grandfather was... livid?"
You have no idea. "'Livid' would be a monumental understatement as to how furious he was."
"Not surprising. Grandfather seems to value the future and legacy of House Lannister above all else," Daveth admits. "But you didn't come here to discuss that. Why have you come?"
"There's nothing you wouldn't do, is there?"
"Excuse me?"
"Daveth, Cersei's your mother and you just condemned her to death," Jaime mentioned.
"I know that! And yet she betrayed me all the same; just as she betrayed grandfather, the family... and especially you." The Young Stag approached his uncle. "I know the truth."
Jaime blinked for a moment as if looking perplexed. "Whatever do you mean?"
"About you and mother," Daveth revealed as he leaned against the table. His voice was quiet and never broke eye contact. "My brothers Joffrey and Tommen, my sister Myrcella... they were neither royalty nor were they true Baratheons. They're your bastards born of incest."
The Kingslayer felt his posture shift slightly, enough for the Young Stag to notice. "Well how convenient for you, nephew," he said with his voice equally quiet. "Indeed, a rather bold claim. Want to trade gossip like a bunch of fishwives or something?"
Daveth rolled his eyes. "Spare me the japs, uncle. You're better than that."
Knowing he wasn't going to bluff his way out of this one, Jaime finally became serious. "If I was a father to any of my children, they'd be stoned in the streets," he finally confessed.
"And you know I'd never let that happen. Not while I rule."
Jaime blinked again. Now this was something he hadn't been expecting. "Then why didn't you say anything beforehand?"
Daveth inhaled through his nostrils. "Joffrey was and has always been an evil little shit, but Myrcella and Tommen..." he stopped; briefly glanced at a small painting depicting a portrait of his younger siblings he kept on his desk. "Myrcella and Tommen are good, innocent children. You know that I love them both. And you know that I would give my life for them to keep them safe. Which is why I haven't said anything. Not just for your sake, but for them."

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...