—At Harrenhal—
Daveth and his entourage had endured a long challenge up through the Riverlands making for Harrenhal; once the greatest castle in Westeros built by the ironborn King Harren the Black of House Hoare, now reduced to a blasted ruin. Every child of the Trident knew the tales told the vast fortress beside the Gods Eye. Its construction took 40 years, thousands died in its constructions—whether by harbor labor, starvation due to Harren's ironborn raiders plundering the Riverlands of its resources or by other means. All it took was Aegon the Conqueror and his dragon Balerion the Black Dread to burn and half-ruin it.
Among the guards accompanying him was Barristan, Lucius and Jaime. Ser Davos also requested to accompany the Young Stag as well. They had to oversee the prisoner exchange, but for Daveth... he needed to see who he was dealing with up close and personal for himself. Sure, he got the reports from his officers, but he needed to see it for himself. To him, this bold yet risky move was essential for providing further strategies.
"You don't have to be here if you don't want to be," Barristan suggested.
Daveth shook his head. "I have to, Barristan. But don't worry – as I've told my wife I won't take unnecessary risks here. Besides, I'm sure there'll be plenty of bread and salt so as to ensure Harrenhal remains neutral ground. Not even Daenerys is that stupid."
A few guardsmen dragged Grey Worm and a dozen Unsullied captives closely behind, marching up the hillside surrounding Harrenhal to see Daenerys and her Dothraki and Unsullied guards were standing atop their horses waiting for them. Connington, Jaehaegon and Missandei were among those present at the Dragon Queen's side. Beside them were Ronnet, Raymund, Alynne Connington and Ronald Storm. All were present and accounted for and relatively unharmed.
This was it; King Daveth Baratheon and Queen Daenerys Targaryen, the stag and the dragon... meeting each other face-to-face for the first time.
"You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen," Missandei addresses, "the First of Her Name, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons."
Davos offered his own introduction with a shrug. "This is Daveth Baratheon, the First of His Name," he pauses. "He's the current King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, the Hero of the Blackwater, the Oathkeeper, the Bringer of Storms, Guardian of All Westeros and Shield of His People."
Daveth swore he felt himself shrug at the added titles to his formal pronunciation. Where in Seven hells did those last parts come from, Ser Davos...? he shuddered.
Jaehaegon then dismounted his horse and was handed a basket of bread and a wooden bowl of salt and offers it to each party. According to the Faith of the Seven, guest right is an ancient and sacred tradition in Westeros. Once invoked, neither the guest can harm its host nor could the host harm its guest for the length of the guest's stay. Because it's considered one of the most basic social rules of all civilized men, every major religion practices it and is considered an utterly heinous crime if violated, breaking all the laws of gods and men.
This stay was about to be brief anyway. Both Daenerys and Daveth took their portion of bread, dipped it into some salt and ate it before passing it off to their retainers.
"Do you have Grey Worm with you, my lord?" the Dragon Queen begun.
Daveth presented her Grey Worm, bloodied but his wounds treated. "Do you have the Conningtons with you, my lady?" he responded.

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...