—The Wall—
The Wall — Castle Black...
For the first time in 14 years, each sworn brother of the Night's Watch gathered in the halls of Castle Black for a proceeding to nominate a candidate to serve as the new Lord Commander. Unlike the rest of Westeros, the Night's Watch is one of few institutions that hold elections in choosing their leaders almost similar to the Faith of the Seven's ruling council the Most Devout or the Order of Maesters' Conclave. In contrast, however, only the Night's Watch serves as a true, representative democracy where every member of the Night's Watch, from the First Ranger and the other high-ranking officers, down to the cooks, and even the lowliest steward who cleans out the chamber pots, has an equal vote when electing a new leader.
And whoever becomes the new Lord Commander, ultimately decides the fate of the captive wildlings during the Battle of Castle Black apparently.
"Treason! The Night's Watch have always defended the realm from what lies beyond the Wall for more than 8,000 years and we will never let the wildlings pass through into our lands, no matter how much they plead!" Ser Alliser Thorne called out.
First Builder Yarwyck nodded in agreement.
Jon Snow sat a small table with his friends Grenn, Eddison and Samwell. The situation was tense; with the Night's Watch's numbers greatly replenished and enough breathing room, there were some of their sworn brothers who backed Ser Alliser Thorne, Castle Black's Master-at-Arms and acting Lord Commander. Most of them touted his experience during Mance Rayder's wildling army attacking the Wall. Some even supported Ser Denys Mallister, commander of the Shadow Tower.
"Quite the select men to actually volunteer for the post," Grenn rolled his eyes.
"You'd think they'd have learned what we know, seen the things we've seen," Edd agreed.
Jon said nothing. Sitting a few tables across from him was a drunken Joffrey, gulping down what appeared to be his fourth or fifth cup of ale. Word had already arrived from the capital of Littlefinger's and Cersei's trial by seven and subsequent execution on charges of treason. Normally Jon would've felt more sympathetic, but Joffrey had become incredibly violent and insubordinate; many of their sworn brothers made numerous complaints about his aggressive behavior—only for both to be equally met with verbal reprimands.
"*hic!* Mother..." Joffrey bemoaned bitterly. "Fuckin' broth— *hic!* fuckin' brother. Hope you fuckin' burn in the *hic!* deepest corner of the *hic!* Seven hells..."
Samwell winced a bit, but Edd and Grenn looked at him with equal disgust.
"He's been like this these past four weeks," Grenn noticed.
Stannis and his guests were permitted to observing the Night's Watch election on the condition there were no interruption or outside influence affecting the outcome. The fiery Stag of Dragonstone had his arms crossed and never took his eyes off of Joffrey. He should've been dealt with back at King's Landing, he observed. They called him my nephew, but Joffrey shares no blood with me.
As Ser Davos and Lady Selyse took their seats to watch the proceedings, but Stannis remained at the back of the hall with his personal guards. Soon enough, every sworn brother of the Night's Watch took their seats as Castle Black's maester Aemon slowly stood up from the Lord Commander's seat at the high table to officiate the vote. A wrinkled, shrunken, very old blind man of 104 years of age, Aemon was originally the second son of King Maekar I Targaryen, a Prince who renounced his claim to the Iron Throne before his older brother Aerion 'Brightflame' died and refused the throne in favor of his younger brother Aegon—a sibling he referred to as 'Egg'. King Aegon of House Targaryen, the Fifth of His Name... who died many years later during the Tragedy at Summerhall and was succeeded by Aemon's nephew the Mad King Aerys II.

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...