Red Keep ― Throne room...
Daveth, Eddard, Ser Barristan, Ser Lucius and Tyrion all readied themselves for battle. Eddard assembled his entire household guard as Daveth had finished putting on the last of his armor while Tyrion himself was getting fitted for battle. His squire, Podrick Payne, fastened the last buckle on the Imp's Lannister armor.
"You remind me so much of your father, Your Grace," Eddard commented.
Daveth looked at his Hand. "I'll take that as a compliment, Lord Stark."
Varys soon arrived with a detailed map of the Red Keep. "The map you asked for," announced the eunuch.
Eddard looked closely. "There must be 20 miles of tunnels beneath the city."
"50, actually. The Targaryens built this city to withstand a siege and to provide escape if necessary."
"I've no intention of escaping," Daveth said. "King's Landing is my home. I was born here. And I'll fight with everything I've got to ensure it remains standing."
"And if the ship goes down, we'll go with her," Tyrion remarked humorously.
Eddard didn't find any jokes amusing at the moment. The siege was about to begin momentarily.
"I'm sure many captains say the same while their ship is afloat," Lucius said.
Daveth shook his head, and turned his attention to his officers. "All right. You remember the plan. You all know what we're up against. We're outnumbered, but Ser Loras Tyrell is blinded with vengeance. He's bound to make a mistake. When you see an opening, you take it. But don't do anything reckless during the battle. Hold them back until reinforcements arrive."
All nodded and made their way to the Mud Gate. Once down past the Great Hall, a voice called out for them.
"Father! Your Grace!"
Daveth and Eddard turned to see Sansa, Arya and Shae coming from behind to see them off. They had been singing in the sept all morning since the first report of enemy sails reached the castle. The sound of their voices mingled with the whicker of horses, the clank of steel, and the groaning hinges of the great bronze gates to make a strange and fearful music. In the sept they sing for the Mother's mercy but on the walls it's the Warrior they pray to, and all in silence.
"Sansa? Arya?" Eddard said surprised as both his daughters hugged him. "What are you two doing here? You should be with the other highborn ladies in Maegor's Holdfast."
"The Queen Mother sent for us to see King Daveth off," Sansa answered.
Arya rolled her eyes in annoyance. "To see both of you off," she corrected.
"Of course she did," Daveth shrugged. "Still, I agree with your father that you two should be safe in Maegor's Holdfast so long as the plan goes accordingly."
"Why can't I come help? I've gotten good with—"
"Arya!" Eddard barked. "My answer is still 'no'! You're my daughters and I will not allow any harm to come to you."
Arya diverted her eyes in disappointment, grumbling quietly so as not to be heard.
"I will pray for your safe return, father," Sansa said worryingly. "And you, Your Grace."
Both Eddard and Daveth nodded as Tyrion and Shae had their own tender moment.
"Stay safe, my lady," Tyrion said.
"And you, my lion," Shae reciprocated.
Ser Barristan and Ser Lucius motioned to King Daveth and Eddard Stark. "Your Grace. Lord Hand. It's time."
Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...