―At King's Landing―
King's Landing ― Great Sept of Baelor...
Daveth felt his skin crawl as he stood waiting for the Most Devout, a council of the eight highest-ranking clergy of the Faith of the Seven. Lieutenant Tyral, on the other hand, did not particularly feel comfortable having to be in the massive sept – possibly due to paranoia about feeling as if the center of religious worship was somehow a trap.
"I've got a bad feeling about this, Your Grace," Tyral said suspiciously.
Daveth favored him with a nod; he understood the Lannister guardsman's suspicion, so long as it did not get in the way of his judgment. "So you say, Lieutenant. Even in times of peace a soldier must never let his guard down, not even for a moment."
"And if so then none of us are fit for the line of duty due to laziness and incompetence. I understand."
He gazed at the statues of the Seven. "They should be here soon. Surely they must've received word," he mentioned.
"Think the Sparrows might have friends in high places?"
"Not that I'm aware of, though I wouldn't put it past them. Let's just focus on the here and now, Lieutenant."
The Great Sept of Baelor was nearly as quiet as a tomb, but was broken by the silent approach of footsteps. Daveth's ears perked up at the sound reverberating off the walls and turned his head towards the statue of the Father, watching as eight clergy of the Faith approached them; four Septons and four Septas. He recognized Septa Rosyn among them who in turn noticed him – though this was his first encounter with the rest: Septons Raynard, Torbert, Luceon Frey, and Russal. The other Septas, with the exception of one, he also did not recognize: Septas Moelle, Unella and Helicent.
"Seven blessings on you, Your Grace. You honor us with your presence," they greeted him.
Daveth politely bowed his head. "Seven blessings, esteemed clergy of the Faith's Most Devout; I apologize for the intrusion, but there wasn't enough time to arrange a more proper meeting."
"It is no trouble, child," Rosyn says reassuringly.
"You look troubled. What plagues your mind, oh great and noble King?" inquires Luceon.
"I am sure you have been aware of an armed heretical movement that plagues the streets of King's Landing and threatens to erode the tenants of the Faith of the Seven, twisting and perverting the principles on which our religion was founded by our Andal ancestors 6,000 years ago. They call themselves Sparrows."
"Yes, we've known about them and their High Sparrow for quite some time," replied Torbert.
"Which is why we require a proper authority to guide them back to order," exclaimed Moelle. Stiff white hair and a wrinkled stern face, this female clergy's curled in perpetual disapproval and small eyes that look constantly crinkled in suspicion.
"Septa, I fear that might no longer be the case," Helicent chimed in. "Without a new High Septon to guide the Faith, the flock are without a shepherd."
Daveth raised a curious. "'Without a new High Septon'... Did I miss something?" he asked.
Rosyn nodded regretfully. "Ever since word reached us of His High Holiness's... ah, sinful perversion, the Most Devout has unanimously voted to remove him from the office. Until then, we are convening amongst ourselves to elect a more suitable successor."
"You say that now, Septa, but only time will tell if the sentiment remains true," Moelle retorted.
"With the Faith's leadership position vacant, I imagine the Sparrows will try to flout our authority and undermine us all. With interest."

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...