—At King's Landing—
Red Keep — Gardens...
It was a calm, gentle summer morning. After the War for Westeros and Long Night came to an end more than six years ago, no other serious major conflicts have arisen to threaten the delicate balance. As the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros transitioned into a new era of peace and stability during the revolution, an array of reforms was introduced to further advance the nation as promised by the ruling royal House Baratheon of King's Landing—socially, culturally, economically, and politically if possible. Gone were the primogeniture male-dominant inheritance rights; taking an example of Rhoynish custom, firstborn children of noble or royal birth would now be able to inherit their lord father's or lady mother's lands, wealth and titles regardless of their gender. Progress was made since then, albeit one step at a time. After all, change does not transform itself overnight.
Of the many regions in Westeros, the capital city of King's Landing itself had undergone an industrial revolution since the final battle itself with the creation of four districts: the first was the unionization of the many customs squares into a single-market; the second was the establishment of the city's first main industrial center; the third was renovating the houses and mansions into a more modernized residential district – life expectancy increased due to the newly designed sewers, access to clean water and health care treatment, which also saw the city's population boost; and lastly the fourth oversaw the first school district in King's Landing, providing many educational opportunities for both rich and poor, nobles and commoners alike if sponsored by a noble patron. The largest center of learning, the University of King's Landing, attracted many students from across the nation.
Nearby, up Aegon's High Hill within the repaired Red Keep, a group of little children was seen playing within the palace gardens.
"Easy now. Be sure to not get too carried away," Olyvar called out. In the years that followed, the Frey Kingsguard had matured into a capable master-at-arms for the royal family; his hair shaven and beard grown out, Olyvar had taken on new responsibilities of his own: training the male royal children. Where the father once trained him, he, in turn, vowed to train the sons in the art of combat. "Hey! Don't swing your swords wildly like that! Aim low. Keep those shields up! Don't expose your weak spot to your opponent!"
Holding wooden swords their right hand and a small shield wrapped around their left arms, stood Prince Lyonel Baratheon—now 10 years old—and his younger 7-year-old brother Prince Torrhen. Off to the side watching the two boys spar was their other brother, Prince Rickard, who was now 6 years old; along with the family's newest member, 3-year-old Prince Orys—named after House Baratheon's founder. Even though Rickard inherited the classic Baratheon traits, as he grew up his noticeable feature was he had his mother's face and even had strands of auburn hair.
Lyonel and Torrhen continued their sparring session; the elder Baratheon child raised his shield, easily causing his brother's wooden sword to bounce off. Although Torrhen was younger and in need of more practice himself, his swings were rather wild and easy to predict. Lyonel, meanwhile, appeared to have the natural talent for fighting and easily countered with precise swings of his own before smacking his wooden sword at Torrhen's ankles, causing the younger Baratheon to yelp and fall to his knees before being pushed back.
"Very good," Olyvar congratulated. "Give him another go, Prince Lyonel."
Torrhen frowned sadly. "No fair! No matter how hard I try, I still can't beat you!" he whined.
Lyonel merely brushed off his brother's complaints and laughed. Being the oldest, he was physically stronger than him. But despite his streak of 8 wins and 0 losses and the occasional sibling rivalry between each of them, neither of the children held a deep grudge against the other for any sort of wrongdoing. Being half-Stark themselves and because of their upbringing, they were always taught to look after each other as a pack, love each other and lend a helping hand. Lyonel walked over and helped Torrhen to his feet, brushing dirt off his shoulders and held the side of his face in his hand. "Keep your shield up or I'll ring your head like a bell," he said, ruffling his brother's hair.

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...