Chapter 153: It's Hard to Say Goodbye

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At Winterfell

Silence had befallen in front of the gates of Winterfell; a somber silence.

In one night, the night before, the Army of the Dead led by the Night King laid siege to the northern stronghold intending to wipe out the living. But in the end, the allied forces stood tall and proud... and triumphed over the greatest evil the world had ever seen. With the threat of the Night King and the White Walkers forever erased, it was time for the survivors to mourn the loss of all who died on the battlefield.

Laid forth in front of a large gathering was a grid of an approximate 12 funeral pyres per 7-10 rows with numerous bodies piled on top of them with an additional more mound sitting in the distance, bringing the number of pyres to almost 120 if not more. 5 men holding lit torches stood among the intervals as did further down range.

Daenerys Targaryen stepped forward, tears streaming down her cheeks as she laid her violet eyes upon the body of Ser Jorah Mormont on an unlit funeral pyre. She mourns over his prone body before leaning down to kiss him gently on the forehead. "Please forgive me, my great bear," she whispered mournfully, her voice somewhat cracking. "I am your Queen, but I will always be your cub..." It made her feel safe, but sad as well; Daenerys wished she could love him better than she did.

Jaehaegon approached and wrapped his arm across Daenerys's shoulder. "Iksan vaoreznuni, vēzos qēlossās ñuho. (I'm sorry, my sun and stars.)," he comforted her. "Nyke gōntan daor gīmigon zirȳla sȳrī keligon, yn nyke gīmigon īles iā sȳz vala (I haven't known him well enough, but he was a good man.)"

Daenerys sniffled. "Kessa. Īles. Va moriot ēza issare... hen se olvie rhaenagon. (Yes. He was. Always has been... from the very beginning.)," she agreed.

Opposite from the Dragon Queen, Daveth's eyes were red and puffy – he couldn't cry, not just because he didn't want to show any weakness in front of everyone, but rather his throat was hurting too much from all the screaming he let out the night before. All he could do was cough quietly. Regardless, the Young Stag's facial expression gave a clear answer; Daveth was so sad, utterly miserable and depressed. He stands over the body of the deceased Ser Barristan Selmy, coughing silently two more times before taking a step back, removing a Baratheon stag pendant from his neck and secures it on Barristan's neck. First my friends at Lannisport, then Lord Arryn, Ned Stark and now you... I... I'm so sorry, Barristan. I failed you. I'm so, so sorry... he thought mournfully and wiped his nose.

Robb, Jon, Arya, Samwell and Bran stand amidst the Stark men, some of whom bear torches. Daenerys joins the crowd a bit further down next to Grey Worm, Jaehaegon and Missandei. Daveth also returns to the somber assembly, joining Davos, Jaime and Brienne, who stood alongside the royal forces. Gendry, Yohn and Sandor stood behind them. Even the surviving direwolves Grey Wind and Ghost stands obediently in mourning at the bonfire funeral for the fallen men and women; since they were discovered to be alive after the battle, it was revealed that Ghost gained some heavy scratches and lost most of its right ear, whereas Grey Wind acquired bad scratches of its own but lost an eye, parts of its left ear and most of its tail – leaving only a small nub dangling off its backend.

Olyvar stood next to Tyene Sand, who sobbed in her palms mourning the loss of her father, Prince Oberyn and her half-sisters Obara and Nymeria. The Frey Kingsguard wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in for a reassuring hug, hushing and whispering silent words in her ear.

Several banners were raised high among the field and blew in the direction of the winter winds, displaying the colors of the Westeros's Great Houses such as Houses Baratheon, Lannister, Stark, Tyrell, Tully, Arryn, Martell, Greyjoy and Targaryen. Northmen, Valemen, Stormlander, Rivermen, Westermen, Reachmen, Dornish and ironborn, Dothraki and Unsullied... everyone stood shoulder-to-shoulder mourning the departed. Among the horizon near the mountain's peak, the sun came up ever so slowly just as Jon stepped forward to address those assembled.

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