Red Keep — Small Hall...
Daveth strolled through the halls of the Red Keep, accompanied by his royal advisors Varys, Oberyn, Pycelle, Barristan, Tyrion and Randyll. Each of them had been conveying their most recent reports, from economic growth to law enforcement to military affairs; it's been a rather trifling day for the Young Stag as he not too recently just came back from the Tower of the Hand—a requested meeting with his grandfather, Tywin. In his hands was a load of documents and other records given to him by Tyrion—insisting that it was of upmost importance. "Embezzlement, unwarranted borrowing... To think that all of this had been going on behind our backs for years and almost none of us even knew about it until just recently," he mused. "Would someone care to explain to me how this crucial information like this slipped through our fingers?"
"I'm afraid that no man can be in all rooms at all times, Your Grace," Varys pointed out. "I have many little birds, but even they cannot simple pick up a scent or sing songs as fast as one might hope."
"Every paper, every coin... everything leaves a trail that leads to somebody. Although I'm pleased the Master of Coin brought this urgent matter to my attention, it disappoints me that it took so long."
Tyrion noticed. "A trail? My dear nephew—"
"You will refer to him as 'Your Grace', not 'nephew', Imp," Randyll chided.
"His Grace knows I meant no disrespect, Lord Tarly. I only meant that such misuse of the crown's finances often warrants a thorough investigation, lest our enemies at home and abroad will no doubt see what had transpired."
Oberyn chimed in. "There is also the issue of the disappearances around Flea Bottom. Where it was once the poorest of slums now rose to be more pleasant and livable, fear now grips the district. The common folk are afraid to even leave their homes for they think they too would be next."
"And as Master of Laws, that would mean if someone of high or lowborn origins is indeed responsible for both these events and moved with such subtlety they would be criminally prosecuted and be at risk of forfeiture if not face the King's Justice first," Daveth concluded.
"Um, uh, a-a disturbing case to follow," Pycelle spoke up, clinking his chain with each step. "Unsightly. But might I recommend caution, Your Grace? I-if someone was indeed responsible, and they ha-had influential patrons, then th-the further repercussions—"
"Being too cautious during my absence allowed these incidents to spread like wildfire; yet if we move too impulsively then we risk alerting the perpetrator. Solve one problem, another pops up. We'll have to be rather discreet if we are to keep the king's peace."
Randyll decided to include another matter. "There is something else. We received a raven bearing message from Ser Alliser Thorne of the Night's Watch, says it's about the savages beyond the Wall."
"The wildlings?"
"Somewhat less wild these days," Varys said. "Seems they've stopped killing each other and started following this King-Beyond-the-Wall."
Daveth shook his head in disbelief. "Seven hells," he cursed with irritation. "First Renly, then Balon Greyjoy, now this... King-Beyond-the-Wall? How many more must we deal with? Did Ser Alliser mention anything else in his report?"
Randyll nodded. "He's asking for more men, weapons and supplies if they are to man the other walls. The other sixteen castles have been abandoned for centuries. Only the Shadow Tower, Castle Black and Eastwatch-by-the-Sea still stand."
"And did the Lord Commander second that notion?"
"Information is rather sketchy, but I'm afraid that Mormont's gone off with a ranging party beyond the Wall and we've heard no word from them since so we cannot say for certain."

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...