―At King's Landing―
Red Keep ― Throne room...
Lords and ladies gathered from nearby regions to gather before the Iron Throne; many of them were eager to see the royal twins (now at two-weeks old) and arrived as soon as they received a raven from the Red Keep—each carrying gifts to present to the King and Queen of the Seven Kingdoms on this historic day. Daveth sat on the Iron Throne, his fingers tapping the pommel of one of the swords making up the throne itself. Beside him Sansa held Lyonel and Cassana in her arms, gently rocking them from side-to-side as they both slept soundly. Only when the royal court started growing a bit louder did they stir and fuss about. When the Kingsguard and Grand Maester Pycelle examined each gift and determined no hazardous substance was found, the proceedings began.
The High Septon held a large book in his hands, accompanied by a flock of septons and septas as they bowed their heads to the King and Queen. Clearing his throat, he began reciting a prayer. "The Gods have shined their favor brightly, Your Graces," he exclaimed. "Let us pray on this holy day. We ask the Father to bestow these children with His mercy. We ask the Mother to bless them with Her love. We ask the Smith to grant them to strengthen their hands and their backs as we enter into a new age. We ask the Warrior to give them the courage in days of strife and turmoil. We ask the Maiden to protect their virtue and keep them safe from temptation. We ask the Crone to show them the path they must walk. And we ask the Stranger to not take them to the unknown before their time. As the High Septon of the Faith of the Seven, I hereby bless Prince Lyonel and Princess Cassana of House Baratheon in the light of the Seven."
"Seven blessings," the courtiers prayed.
Daveth and Sansa lowered their heads in acknowledgement; the twins, however, grew rather fussy about the increase in volume—each expressing their disapproval. Lyonel and Cassana curled their tiny hands and wrapped them around their mother's dress, mewling at the High Septon's blessings. Sansa gave an amusing light chuckle as did the High Septon before the Faith of the Seven delegation left to return to the Great Sept of Baelor.
One by one, the visiting dignitaries and courtiers presented their gifts to the royal children: Jalabhar Xho presented a toy bow with a quiver of padded arrows fletched with green and scarlet feathers and exotic birds native to the Summer Isles; from Lady Falyse Stokeworth a pair of wooden knights and porcelain dolls; from Olyvar Frey a wooden figure depicting the Twins; from Ser Kevan Lannister a magnificent wooden sword and lance similar to the ones he gave his sons Lancel, Martyn and Willem; silver spurs from Lord Damon Marbrand; a red silk tourney pavilion from Lord Mathis Rowan. Lord Paxter Redwyne presented a beautifully carved wooden model of a war galley, even going so far as announcing the Arbor had already begun construction of a real war galley of 200 oars being built even now.
"If it pleases you, Your Graces, she will be called the Winter's Voyage."
Sansa approved. "I'm sure the children will enjoy sailing the open water someday. Thank you for this gift, my lord. It was very thoughtful. Please convey our appreciation to House Redwyne and the Arbor."
Lord Paxter bowed. "You honor us, my Queen."
Lord Mace Tyrell came forward to present his gift, one Daveth wasn't sure of: a golden chalice three feet tall, with two ornate curved handles and seven faces glittered with gemstones. Each face bore the sigil of one of the Great Houses: a ruby lion, an emerald rose, an onyx stag, a silver trout, a blue jade falcon, an opal sun and a pearl direwolf. "On behalf of House Tyrell and the people of the Reach, Your Graces, it is my honor to present the Prince and Princess with this chalice," Mace explained, setting down the cup at the foot of the Iron Throne. "We also extend to you our most heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your children."

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...