Chapter 54: It's Begun

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―The Riverlands―

Off the coast of Seagard...

The Northmen had long arrived at the castle of Seagard in the Riverlands. The seat of House Mallister, a vassal house holding fealty to House Tully of Riverrun, Seagard was not only the largest and only port on the west coast of the Riverlands, but it also maintained a small fleet of half a dozen war longships and two war galleys under the command of their liege lord Lord Jason Mallister. Regarded as one of the most stalwart, reliable and honorable of the river lords, Jason was responsible for leading the victorious defense of Seagard against an attack by the ironborn forces led by Balon Greyjoy's eldest son Rodrik Greyjoy and killed him personally.

The Lord of Seagard personally welcomed the northern forces and made the preparations for the inevitable invasion of the Iron Islands itself, reinforcing the combined Royal Fleet, Lannister Fleet and Redwyne Fleet with a fraction of his own vessels. A small fraction of the Redwyne and Lannister fleet picked up the Northmen and set sail immediately afterwards, with only a few Seagard vessels remaining behind to defend the shores from any aggressors.

Onboard the vessel Wolfsbane, Robb Stark sat in his quarters with his great-uncle Ser Brynden Tully and his wife Talisa. He was still troubled about Daveth's outburst at him back at Moat Cailin – listening to his childhood friend/brother-in-law chastise him upon the Young Stag learning of his two political blunders. It still baffled Robb how Daveth switched from being calm and patient to cold and ruthless. He must've suspected that's the Lannister in him talking then. Or was it the Baratheon? He shook his head, staying focused on the inevitable naval battle.

"You looked troubled," Brynden said. "Still bothered about what the King said to you?"

Robb sighed. "I've never seen Daveth act like that before. Yes, I made a mistake but was it really necessary to lash out at me like that in front of my own men?"

"Pay no mind to that, I'd say. His father King Robert was like that for many years, even while leading the rebellion against the Mad King. Nowadays it's Daveth's turn to vent a bit now and then. Whatever he said to you back at Moat Cailin, you know deep down he didn't mean it. You're like a brother to him, the only true friend he's got left in this miserable world. He'll be back to his old self in no time once this is done."

"Saying he'd 'beat the shit out of me' if he wasn't married to Sansa was one way of putting it."

The Blackfish shook his head and placed a hand on his grandnephew's shoulder. "You two are each like your fathers. Ned was honorable, kind and well-loved by all the North. Robert was headstrong, strong and a charismatic man who turned enemies into friends."

"Such a high praise, uncle."

Brynden laughed. "That wasn't meant as a compliment," he explained. "You see, Robb, being a ruler means not everyone has to be an honorable, shining knight from those blasted songs and stories. Being a King means there's a lot of heavy burdens and responsibilities that comes with it, sometimes you have to make... hard decisions that are sometimes considered harsh, cruel or even dishonorable. That's how it is in the south. And Daveth carries with him the fate of all Seven Kingdoms on his shoulders every day. Maybe he intended to be hard on you just to keep you alive."

"If so, then he has on odd way with words."

"Nothing's ever easy in times of war; something I learned at your age during the War of the Ninepenny Kings. Judging the actions and behavior of your royal brother-in-law, the decision he makes are tough but also fair. Can't be too lenient, but can't be too strict either. Having a rigid sense of honor works doesn't work so well if you were born in the center of it all."

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